• rockSlayer@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    neither of those governments had monetary sovereignty. Zimbabwe was also an exceedingly rare case of hyperinflation within a country using fiat currency.

    Edit: please, engage with the source material. What about monetary sovereignty is incorrect?

    • Wanderer@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      YouTube isnt a source.

      If what you are claiming is true that the government has unlimited real money this means three things. 1 any government could make as much real money as they like and massively improve the livelihoods of all citizens but choose not to. There is a guaranteed Nobel prize in economics and probably physics. Someone somewhere is hiding a huge conspiracy for whatever reason.

      That at a minimum requires a paper on the topic. A YouTube video isn’t up to that standard.

      The claim you are making is extraordinary. I’m not going to watch 1.5 hour worth of YouTube to prove you wrong just as I wouldn’t for a flat earther.

      It really is up to you to explain this world changing information succinctly and coherently. To at least raise the topic. What you are saying is all the governments and universities are wrong here is a a load of YouTube videos. Not worth my time sorry.

      • rockSlayer@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Fine, let me grab you some of the sources used in one of these highly researched videos.


        • the deficit myth - Stephanie Kelson
        • Debt: the First 5000 years - David Graeber
        • Soft Currency Economics II - L Randall Wray
        • Modern Money Theory: A Primer on Macroeconomics for Sovereign Monetary Systems - L Randall Wray
        • The 7 Deadly Innocent Frauds of Economic Policy - Warren Mosler


        Looks like you have a lot of reading to do. If only there were an easily digestible way to consume all of this information in a way that only had the relevant parts for our discussion.

        • Wanderer@lemm.ee
          1 year ago

          Article by Forbes.

          Yes inflation erodes money. Yes nothing in that article proves what you are saying or has anything I disagree with.

          If the government starts buying more stuff it will cause demand-pull inflation. That goes against what you say.

          Article on zimbabwe

          “Further, the response of the government to buy political favours by increasing its net spending without adding to productive capacity was always going to generate inflation and then hyperinflation.”

          That goes against what you say. They increasing spending (looks like they were going for infinite money cheat) that didn’t work. Therefore that also proves the point I am making you cant just spend spend spend and the world will be perfect.

          Third article. I would copy and past but I can’t. 3 The MMT perspective .

          Just read that. Government spending caused inflation. Therefore they don’t have unlimited money they destroyed their economy overbuying.

          Take a step back. I have looked at your sources and they go against what you are saying. You need to reanalyse your views and see if they are right or if you just want them to be right.

          I have responded to what you have stated so now it’s your turn to answer the questions without YouTube or books or articles. Just answer.

          The question is this how does the US government have infinite money?

          How does the government buying huge amounts not cause hyperinflation and therefore stop them buying everything?

          How does the government print money without it causing inflation?

          Just to be clear I understand government deficit and a government running a deficit is not an example of governments having unlimited spending power. It’s spending now and paying for it later. This differs from personal spending in the fact that humans have to pay off their loans in their lifetime, the government does not. So don’t use that as an explanation for the above points as it is invalid.

          • rockSlayer@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            Do just like to be an insufferable dickhead, or is this you being serious? Congrats, you learned what hyperbole means. Fiat currency is limited by the real economy. In the US, the real economy is trillions of dollars more than the federal budget. You’d know that if you watched those videos. The deficit is a myth, and the only real spending limit is the resources available to the government.

            • Wanderer@lemm.ee
              1 year ago

              I’m an insufferable dickhead because I took your sources and proved you wrong?

              In the US, the real economy is trillions of dollars more than the federal budget. You’d know that if you watched those videos.

              I already know that, I have a degree in the subject.

              That’s why most people talk about real money which is not unlimited.

              • rockSlayer@lemmy.world
                1 year ago

                I lashed out in frustration with an insult, which wasn’t appropriate. I’m sorry. I was frustrated with how my use of “infinite money” was taken literally, when you as an economist would know that nothing regarding the economy could be infinite. I’m still a bit irritated that your entire disagreement is based on pendantry.

                • Wanderer@lemm.ee
                  1 year ago

                  How do you mean it then? Because it’s not clear at all.

                  The government obviously print money in a form that is sort of as a tax on everyone. Inflation is independently set from the government at something like 2% so the government makes money when the bank print enough to ensure that inflation remains at 2%. But that’s independent if the government so the government absolutely does not have infinite money. They have 2%.

                  It used to be more but that was seen to be detrimental to the economy and the government, so 1-2% is where most countries set it.

                  The government absolutely has to manage how it spends money and it can only spend what the economy can absorb which isn’t much.

                  So maybe it is up to you to explain. Because you seemed to make out that the government can just choose to spend a lot more money with 0 negative consequences. Also for some reason even though the government is able to do this, they don’t.

                  Both points need explaining.

                  • rockSlayer@lemmy.world
                    1 year ago

                    This entire thing relies on the federal government having the ability to print money that is not backed by a commodity, and does not owe a significant amount of debt to another country. Taxes on the federal level literally don’t fund anything (note that this is not true of local or state taxes). They exist solely to drive demand for the currency. Instead, the upper limit to government spending is the amount of resources and labor available to the government, which is several trillions of dollars worth more than the federal budget. This is what’s known as the real economy. A single trillion is incomprehensible, hence why I called it “infinite money”.