• Anything new and exciting you want to share with the group?
  • Same 'ol drudgery?
  • Are you channeling your inner Meatwad ?

Let us know how you’re doing! We can commiserate or complain with you.

  • ninjaphysics@beehaw.org
    4 months ago

    I’m in a between place emotionally. Animal family member passed away recently. We knew it was coming but some irrational part of me thought he would be around forever, but he was in a lot of pain from some cancerous tumors that kept popping up, and he was not walking or moving well, incontinence, etc. I’m grateful he’s not in pain, but he was so damn loved and will always be a legendary pupper.

    Landlord is selling our place as well and I’m super not into being under the thumb of another landlord, so I’m doing the scary thing - looking for houses.

    Then there’s HR 9495 in the US Congress… This proposed bill in Congress could destroy so many sectors that rely on non-profits to protect the community, and not only is this a Pandora’s Box of fuckery, but there are untold ramifications. If you feel like telling your Democratic reps you do not support this bill, all the help is appreciated.

    Finally, on a lighter note, I love and appreciate this community! I read everyone’s comments on these posts and appreciate posts like this. It’s a scary time ahead for many in our country and the world, but there are so many glimmers of hope that come from just having this platform for human discussions. Thank you for this, and sending love and kindness to everyone in their unique struggles. Know that you are cared for, and there are still far more good and genuine people in the world than bad.