• Anything new and exciting you want to share with the group?
  • Same 'ol drudgery?
  • Are you channeling your inner Meatwad ?

Let us know how you’re doing! We can commiserate or complain with you.

  • LallyLuckFarm@beehaw.org
    4 months ago

    It’s my wife’s first full day back at work after maternity leave - we had planned for her to WFH until Thursday but our backup battery installation for our solar array got moved up to today. They have to periodically cut our electricity to get everything wired up, so no WFH until they’re done tomorrow or Wednesday. So today is also my first full day as the stay-at-home dad, which has been pretty good. Lots of picture taking to share so she doesn’t feel like she’s missing too much being at work.

    We took a trip over to our local library this morning and signed up for the “1000 books before kindergarten” challenge and showed off our outfit for dinovember to the librarians (pictured below). I was at the library board meeting last week to weigh in on who should be our new permanent library director, and there were a bunch of us there to support the acting director’s bid. There might be a board position opening up in the near future and I’ve been encouraged by some folks to apply/run for the position.

    We also finally found a food our old cat is willing and able to eat reliably, after much trial and error, which has taken a weight off our hearts.