it’s been a busy week and i’m munching on a burrito

    4 months ago

    Some folks from my last job were in town on Wednesday, so they invited me out to dinner. I say “last job,” but I’m now a contractor/consultant for them; no longer a FTE. So I guess they’re still my coworkers. It was nice to see them in person. My boss was there, so of course he asked how my new job was going. From my previous post, I’m not sure I’m enjoying it. But I couldn’t tell him that.

    But I started with, “It’s interesting…” And his eyes widened and he got a gleam in his eyes, lol. He thinks that anyone who leaves the company is crazy. And there’s some truth to that as I’ve worked for the company twice. The first time I left…I don’t want to say it was a mistake, but it wasn’t everything I hoped for. I eventually came back a year and half later. Which he loves rubbing in my face and anyone who contemplates leaving. So I fudged it a bit. And he deflated, lol.

    Either way, I’m glad I got to see them, and just spend a fun evening catching up over drinks and dinner. Gordon Ramsey’s Hell’s Kitchen is excellent.

    This weekend, just watching F1 and League of Legends Worlds. Let’s go Red Bull and T1!