Ever had one those moments in life when you know, beyond any shadow of a doubt, you are making a very, very bad decision, with a great chance for instant regret and a miserable, probably long lasting, outcome and notheless followed that path?

Yeah, that one. Care to share with us?

I’ll start. I dated a person, after we had already dated for a very short time, during which I was cheated on and eventually was left for a fourth person.

Yeah, not my brightest moment. And yes, I was cheated on again and again was left for another person.

  • Lemonparty@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    A lot of these are kinda on the negative side (no judgement!), so I’ll add a positive one. I met this girl, we started dating and we had been in that weird phase where like it wasn’t exclusive but it felt like it was but it wasn’t explicitly said you know? Anyways, I had these plans to go on a trip with a couple friends and some friends of friends and that same week me and the girl talked and decided it was official, nobody is dating anyone else, we’re together/a thing/official.

    Fast forward to that trip, and I meet this girl, I know nothing about her but she’s cute and she’s into me. We all get drunk around a camp fire, me and this girl go for a walk, and it’s about as obvious as it’s ever going to be this girl wants to hook up and I have the green light and I’m about to go for it. So I’m about to and then I remember…I shouldn’t. I’m not single anymore. It doesn’t matter if it’s new it matters to me, I really like the girl I’m dating, we have a good thing going and it’s dumb to risk fucking that up for some girl I just met. So I don’t. I say I’m sorry I’m drunk and should go to bed and that’s the end of that. We were cordial the rest of the weekend and I’ve never talked to or seen her again.

    It’s eight years later and that girl i liked is my wife of close to four years and we’re just hanging out being boring together and I’ve never been happier.