Dozens of neo-Nazis are fleeing Telegram and moving to a relatively unknown secret chat app that has received funding from Twitter founder Jack Dorsey.

In a report from the Institute for Strategic Dialogue published on Friday morning, researchers found that in the wake of the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov and charges against leaders of the so-called Terrorgram Collective, dozens of extremist groups have moved to the app SimpleX Chat in recent weeks over fears that Telegram’s privacy policies expose them to being arrested. The Terrorgram Collective is a neo-Nazi propaganda network that calls for acolytes to target government officials, attack power stations, and murder people of color.


    14 days ago

    I’m Jewish and have had my living room windows shot at because my parents had a chanukkah menorah in the window and I had to hide my identity from everyone out of risk that they will be violent or treat me badly if they found out the religion I was born into.

    I’m very well versed with Nazis, white supremacists, and what other forms they come in North America. This isn’t a dick measuring contest.