I don’t see how this is legal, but people on Tik Tok peddling miracle “medicine” are becoming more common every day. No FDA approval, no research. Just their marketing hype and false promises. This one, lady is showing some sort of probiotic and claiming it can help people suffering from severe acid reflux and gastrointestinal reflux disease or GERD, replacing medicine that has been tested for decades.

  • remotelove@lemmy.ca
    6 months ago

    Just stay away from nearly anything that uses “healing ions” in its marketing material. If it’s not a straight-up fake product, it’ll likely kill you in due time. (Ozone generators are an exception unless you get a beefy one like mine, and then it can actually kill you.)

    Edit: lol! I have seen that video and made my comment about ions before I clicked it. Good video, btw. 5 stars.