• sapient [they/them]@infosec.pub
    1 year ago

    Couldn’t be the media constantly lying about trans people being rapists/pedos/etc., nooo, its that some trans people don’t just sit down and accept society shitting on us (and constantly Just Asking Questions about our basic humanity and identity) instead of being “”““one of the good ones””“”.

    We are allowed to be pissed off, even if it hurts some bigots’ feelings or makes some people uncomfortable. People say the exact same thing about other minority groups (that their support would be higher if only some “bad subset” would stop complaining). I hope folks would have learned of the flaws in that for those groups and can apply it to trans people, but it seems they have to rehash the same bullshit for every single minority group that fights for rights <.<

    It’s frustrating every time and I want to point this out to people. Civil rights, labour rights, etc. have never been won by sitting quietly and waiting. It often involves protests and even riots (the first stonewall was a riot, as in, throwing bricks at cops, though that one was in the usa). Strikes have in the recent past been broken up via violent police action and often have involved violent responses in self-defense ^.^

    This attitude of “don’t inconvenience the system or upset people’s idea of normality and never complain or fight back against massive amounts of systemic and personal injustice even as it makes people suffer and die” in this country needs to fucking burn in a fire. Nothing has ever been made better by just waiting for it to happen. And the people complaining about minorities not being polite enough, frankly, need to take a long hard look in the mirror ^.^

    I’d encourage people to have a read of https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_murder for some context. I think it applies to more than just economics, and is at least part of what i am referring to when talking about “suffer and die” beyond just direct murder.

    Creating systems sufficiently hostile, dehumanising, degrading, and autonomy-denying to various minority groups that their suicide rate goes up significantly is something I consider a form of societal murder, and it applies especially to trans people - because the attack is on our fundamental sense of self and often forces us to endure changes to our body against our will until we are deemed “”“sufficiently trans (and only in the way we deem to be correct and acceptable)”“”, if we don’t go the DIY route. It applies to other groups in their own way a lot as well that I won’t list out because it muddles the specific point, but I’m sure you can think of them :(

    Honestly, as a trans person in the uk, my interactions with the general public have been mostly ok. Sometimes ignorant and occasionally rude (and I don’t mean this as an insult, I mean more asking really creepy stuff unintentionally or just being unfamiliar), but most aren’t at least outwardly hateful (though some have been and I live in a very left wing city, and of course lots of people just don’t have the guts to say anything).