Looks like theres a final surprise in the form of a song in Apollo now that it’s closed.
Can anyone identify the artist?
EDIT: someone managed to find it. From Christian’s YouTube page:
A fun parody of Sarah McLachlan’s I Will Remember You performed by the incredible Zoe Wynns
Wefwef app feels like I’m on Apollo. I love it
Yeah agreed. The migration feature from Apollo to wefwef is great too!
I must be too late to export? I only see the thank you notice in Apollo.
If you shake your phone on the Thank You screen, an option will pop up allowing you to export. Not very straightforward or easily found, but it’s still possible!
I can’t find wefwef in the AppStore. Can you send the link?
nvm not a real app but a web app.
I recommend you to give it a try anyway. Once you install the icon on your desktop, it loads like a native app and works really smooth. I’m really loving it and helps a lot with the grief of losing Apollo.
It may be a web app, but when you add it to your home screen it looks and feels just like a native app.