a bit of a late post today but i’ve been exceedingly busy working on some important stuff on the side and that’s taken up most of my time. things are going pretty good currently and are generally productive.

  • rozwud@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I’m super proud of a friend who just ended a relationship with someone who was being incredibly controlling. I’m very worried though because she keeps questioning her decision. I’ve luckily never found myself in her situation. Any advice from someone who has?

  • apis@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Good here. Accidentally got talking to various local people in the past couple of weeks, some of whom know each other, and it feels like there’s potential to end up with a social circle. Though I’ve lived around here most of my life off and on, I don’t actually know anyone. Have been invited to join a community service group that seems very sound, so that’ll be cool - will know more after tomorrow evening.

    The whole thing is making me feel quite paranoid at times - managing to roll with it for now, but will have to remember to be cautious lest it ramp up excessively.

    Oh and have the kernel of a creative project forming in my mind for the first time in a very, very long time. Imagine it’ll end up as something else entirely, and I wouldn’t say it is an especially interesting project, but relieved by the emergence nevertheless.

  • gerbilOFdoom@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I’ve been spending some time considering the future technology stack of Beehaw. I’d love to work on some kind of moderation tools, especially because I know that they could be inserted alongside the existing codebase - even if in an exceedingly hacky way. Heck, even client side site scraping with content matching is an option if for some horrible reason we had to.

    The fun part is not being able to ask those who run the server about specifics for what’s needed.

    • PenguinCoder@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      The fun part is not being able to ask those who run the server about specifics for what’s needed.

      What do you mean by that? Here’s a list of some needs; here’s more, and others. Beehaw admin are pretty vocal about the specifics of what’s needed. If you can code on the stack that Lemmy is in, proficiently, moderator tooling is definitely a sore spot that needs some attention.

      • gerbilOFdoom@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        Oooo thank you for the links, that’s the part I had a difficult time with. I don’t think I’m subscribed to enough things, or I don’t check frequently enough, to get the information updates.

        I’ll see what I’m qualified to do. I don’t know Rust in particular so this is likely to turn into a rabbit hole that produces nothing but a greater knowledgebase in my brain for the next time I get fiesty about something.

    • JCPhoenix@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      It’s kinda funny. I was a mod on reddit (I guess technically still am) and I’ve always felt that mod tools on reddit were very poor. Having to use Toolbox and RES and such. And moderating on the go from the official app was garbage (thank god for Apollo).

      Then I get here to Beehaw, where I volunteer to mod again. And I find the mod tools are even worse! I get that most people didn’t leave reddit because of poor mod tools. It was the API and content moderation issues that drove people away. But still, I was expecting Lemmy to have at least equal capabilities.

      • alyaza [they/she]@beehaw.orgOPM
        1 year ago

        But still, I was expecting Lemmy to have at least equal capabilities.

        the project was admittedly a lot more manageable previously when it had a fraction of the users it has now, but it’s still definitely bizarre to come to what is essentially a four year old project and find nothing but the barest of barebones tools.

  • bbbhltz@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Interesting. I don’t want to whine, but I’ve had a constant headache since last Thursday, and a few other problems.

    Where I live I have many options for health care so I was able to see 2 different doctors who have 2 different ideas.

    Doctor 1 thinks it is stress-related or possibly something related to ergonomics at work, because it started while at work.

    Doctor 2 thinks it is prediabetes, so I have been testing and my levels are high but not crazy high.

    Either way, it will be a wake-up call to eat better and pay attention to workplace comfort.

  • Tin@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    It started off pretty well but all day today I’ve been fighting with my health insurance (again) because they have decided they don’t want to cover an essential medication that my partner has been on for years (again). Things are moving forward, our primary doctor just gave us over a month’s worth of samples so we won’t run out while we fight, and they are compiling documentation to make a case. I’ve never had to fight to have meds covered like I have with our prescription provider this year, it’s the worst. I had to fight them earlier this year to get them to cover long-acting insulin. Insulin! Ridiculous.

    Other than that, can’t complain.

  • Kajo [he/him] 🌈@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    It’s good to be at the weekend after a busy week, but it was a good week.

    The only bad moment (first world problem) this week was a meeting about “Social Responsibility”. I discovered the ISO 26000:2010 standard.

    I’m sorry to inform you that our best hope to save the world and make it a better place, is to fill spreadsheets, follow guidance documents, and have indicators.

    We’re so screwed.

  • Dane@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I’ve been on staycation, and it’s been great. Mornings here have been in the mid to high 50s, and the morning sunlight is getting that hint of Autumn gold to it. I am more than ready for Fall. Going to get some organization projects done around the apartment. Might even start up some writing again. It’s more for my own entertainment, really. I don’t have the executive function to sit down and write a book in any semblance of a disciplined manner.

    I just read down into the comments and see there are some of us struggling with identity issues. My sincerest hope for you is that you find your happiness, whatever form that may take. Please take care of yourselves. 🙏 🕉️

  • Thelsim@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    My week has been going ok, though I’ve been dealing with some identity issues. Nothing I really want to go in to except that I’m reevaluating who I think I am and want to be.
    On a lighter note, summer is finally over and the cooler weather has been wonderful. It’s so nice to dress a bit warmer and not having to worry about getting sun burned.
    Oh, and I’ve started doing pilates again and my muscles are aching. Hope I’ll stick with it this time :)

    • Tomatoes [they/them]@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      Thank you for sharing. Identity issues are no joke, I’m having to unpack a larger amount of gender baggage than the average person (think decades-worth of AGAB plus another decade or two of a career stereotypical to and gate-kept by the other gender). I’m glad I’m not alone in being a little lost on the identity journey, even if yours has nothing to do with gender.

      I prefer spring and autumn now I’ve moved somewhere warmer than I grew up. Especially since autumn means some sunshine and leaves turning color. I finally understand the hype!

      • Thelsim@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        Thanks for your kind words, and best of luck to you in your journey. I can definitely relate to feeling a little lost in the whole process. It’s gender related but more contained and not as massive as what you’re dealing with.

        Autumn is my favorite time of year, hope you’ll enjoy the season :)

  • Legendsofanus@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Hi, first time posting here.

    Hello beehaw, I’m just a generally interested person on reddit who had to switch to Lemmy. Things are good here but I’m spiritually unsatisfied with the way my tuition kids behave towards me. It’s like they don’t care or respect me like other adults. Maybe it’s cuz I’m too friendly with them and don’t set boundaries. Aside from that, everything is well

    • Kajo [he/him] 🌈@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      Welcome fellow beeple!

      I don’t have kid, I really don’t know how relationships works with younglings, but I hope they’ll evolve in the good way

    • jarfil@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      “The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.” — Socrates, 400 BC.

  • Ignacio [he/him]@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I had a competitive service exam last Sunday. I think I passed it, but I don’t know yet, until the publication of the provisional official results after some weeks. That’s the good news.

    The bad news is that I’ve been bullied by two tankies over two comments I posted on lemmy.ml, and I’m so upset that I don’t even know what to do or how to deal with it. Life fucking sucks, really.

  • gabe [he/him]@literature.cafe
    1 year ago

    Doing so much better than last week. Got my instance back up and running and was able to bring up some very much needed conversations that hopefully lemmy backend contributors have begun to take note of. Had a lovely Rosh Hashanah and am prepping for Yom Kippur soon. Was sadly unable to participate in person due to increased COVID stuff, but it was still nice to disconnect from everything and dip some apples in honey. Been actually coming out of my reading slump too :)

    Hope the rest of your week is somewhat more chill, or you can at least get some rest this weekend

  • wildeaboutoskar@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I’m ok. Think I’m getting a cold which isn’t great, but I’m hoping I can fight it off with enough orange juice (I know it doesn’t work but I’ll take any kind of placebo effect). It’s nice and rainy here so starting to feel autumny which is nice

  • JCPhoenix@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Been pretty good so far. Last week, I went to visit my parents and brother in Las Vegas. It was a working vacation as I’m full remote. Brother and I checked out a couple bars at Resort World casino. Pretty nice place.

    On Saturday, him and I drove down to the Los Angeles area to check out Long Beach along with some of the other beach towns. We didn’t go all out or anything. Had dinner and drinks in Long Beach on Saturday night, then on Sunday we did a little walking around the beaches around Long Beach. On Monday, we walked around Redondo Beach and Manhattan Beach. Then went back to Vegas in the evening, where I caught a fly back home ~10hrs later. Got home yesterday afternoon. Good trip, glad I got to see my family.

    First day back online for work this week. And my co-worker essentially ambushed me into doing a mini-workshop for her subordinate (my other co-worker) on how to use Word. In 2023. Simple stuff, too, like tabs vs spaces for horizontal alignment. And line spacing. And indentations. It’s 2023. I don’t understand how her subordinate graduated from college…This person is like 27, too. Not someone who grew up using a typewriter or something. Ridiculous.

  • Chloyster [she/her]@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Tbh it’s been bad.

    My partner got a job in Seattle, which has been the plan. I am from there and we have been wanting to move back. I was hoping to keep my job when I moved there as it’s fully remote, although pretty California specific. Before I went on my 2 week trip, I was told, yes I could keep my job. I was so thrilled. Kept thinking about how excited I was to finally be moving back after all these years.

    First day back from the trip. Oh oops, nevermind, I don’t get to keep it. So now I’m in a position of, find a new job as fast as possible or else I’m stuck down here by myself for who knows how long. And I feel like I can’t even do anything to start this process, as I am still waiting for the surgeon I’m seeing for bottom surgery to call me and schedule. It’s been a month since insurance approved the procedure, but crickets from the clinic. Idk how I can really apply for jobs when my surgery could come at any time and postpone me starting the job. And it’s on my current works insurance so…

    On top of it all, dysphoria is at an all time high. Misgendering has never been fun for me, but I’ve often been able to shrug it off. During my trip I was getting misgendered like 30-50 times a day. It wore me out so much. Just a general feeling of fuck recently.

    Oh and I just got covid.

    Unfun times

    • ConstableJelly@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      I am so sorry, that’s such a perfect storm of terrible circumstances. I recently had my job backpedal on something they promised me and it was so infuriatingly unprofessional (although very luckily I have a wonderful and very influential mentor who fixed the problem).

      And the clinic, I don’t know their situation but I’d expect that insurance approval should be the hard part, so to go a month without hearing from them? I’m getting upset just thinking about it.

      I can only hope other people get their acts together for you very soon. In the meantime, consider me in your corner, steaming at the injustice.