I did a poll and nearly 30% of the people who voted said they used Sync! It’s stayed around that percent the whole time too!
EDIT: Here is the poll I forgot to put this here like five times lol https://strawpoll.com/wby5A21R1yA
I did a poll and nearly 30% of the people who voted said they used Sync! It’s stayed around that percent the whole time too!
EDIT: Here is the poll I forgot to put this here like five times lol https://strawpoll.com/wby5A21R1yA
How is Photon UI not included in the poll? Photon is a a web UI and is so much better than current web UI.
It is, there are way more options on the actual poll
Oops. Missed it.
There are so many options it’s easy to miss one haha