tl:dr; India is a terrible place to live in, Indians lead miserable lives and are not even aware of it, they are facing many other problems and they are not aware of that too, they are delusional and still stuck in the past. Being born poor in India signs you up for difficult to conquer problems because of the culture you grow up in, Human development happens at the pace of a tortoise here, India is a curse, now how can I get rid of the curse and lead a fulfilling and happy life?

I see the middle class Indians and while their life is better than mine, it’s nothing to write home about. They are doing ok, they are not great and I am lower middle class, even if I try my best, I don’t think I will be rewarded well for that. Indians start life at 0 while other developed countries are at an average of 4, Indians just dream of the 4, they just want that 4! That’s their life, they pursue their life, whole lives, just to get a decent life! I don’t want to do this, this doesn’t excite me! Help! What can I do? P.S: I am a 22yo who is worthless and who has a worthless (0 value) degree from a useless Indian university, how can I improve my life!

If you want to read why I think being born in India is a multi-generational curse, carry on reading, otherwise, this was enough!

  1. Indian educational system is garbage and it doesn’t create high-value labor, it produces unremarkable individuals.
  2. Indian infrastructure is a joke with everything built by the government being of the lowest quality.
  3. Indian is one of most corrupt countries in the world (top 10-20 maybe).
  4. People are extremely tribal and in the absence of resources for development, Indians will try to barter what little resources there are along community lines (reservations) than force the government to try and create more economic opportunities.
  5. Private Industry from foreign companies are a sigh of relief but due to above mentioned reasons (low-skilled labor, bad economy, bad infrastructure, stupid policies and Kafkaesque bureaucracy) most companies justifiably don’t want to set up shop in India and this exacerbates the economy problem.
  6. Indians clamor for Western attention and approval, most of them do realize India is nothing to write home about but they don’t understand the extent of the problem. They are way too proud of minuscule achievements. They are even less aware of how the culture that prevails now will produce nothing but failure. They lose it when anyone of Indian decent does anything noteworthy and they are way too proud to accept the problem. This is the reason why youtubers love to praise India, they know what works in India. The government takes advantage of this and calls everyone who dares to criticize the country or their government as anti-national. Many journalists have been jailed for reporting facts. We never learn and we are committed to never learning! Even when Indians leave India, they try to create a mini-India abroad and not go out of their cultural comfort zone.
  7. We are creepy! I was creepy, I am a little creepy still, I had to work A LOT to be able to be normal around women, that trope, it’s real and it’s just saddening in the highest degree. Indians don’t socialize with opposite sex a lot and it’s discouraged and sometimes forbidden in this culture to do so, so you create adults who can’t really talk comfortably towards women. Took me a long time to realize the problem and solve it, the past me disgusts the present me!

Edit: 8. Indians lack any kind of civic responsibility. They throw garbage everywhere, they spit pan (tobacco stuff) anywhere and everywhere, open defecation isn’t as big of a problem as people pissing in the streets but it still remains a problem, I have done this too (When I was little). I can’t get my parents to not throw off plastic off the train no matter how much I explain then why it’s wrong in multiple ways! Most Indian cities look like a garbage dumb than a place to live. If people at least had kept our streets clean and acknowledge the problems facing this country instead of being proud of mediocrity, I would have been been more than willing to try to turn things for the better here, but they don’t!!

I can write a book about this, but for the sake of your time and mine, I will stop.

I have realized one thing after being born here, it’s irredeemable! It won’t get drastically better. I just don’t know what to do about it and that is why I am asking you for advice!

    3 months ago

    Well… You’ve been dealt a bad hand and I’m not sure how to help you. You can do the IT career path via educating yourself but that’s not easy. It’s hard to cut yourself above the rest although it’s possible.

    First thing you could do though is to accept things for how they are. People are going to throw trash until someone with authority will tell them it’s wrong and then you’ll need a generation for the change to happen.

    You’ll not be able to fix India by yourself and I’m not sure if anyone can but over time things will slowly get better. Emigrating is an option, although hard and going into politics can work but that’s even harder.

    But honestly, I feel like this is all things you already know. These are my completely useless two cents.

    • Anonymous_TorPerson@lemmy.mlOP
      3 months ago

      dealt a bad hand

      I need to read Man’s search for meaning. Ughh… sorry, that came out of nowhere, what I meant was, I need to know how to deal with things when I have been clearly dealt a bad hand by reading the work of a man who had the least reasons to see hope!

      These are my completely useless two cents.

      Trust me, just the acknowledgement of adversity of another helps (as long as the victim tries to acknowledge/accept the reality and work hard on improving it rather than drowning in their own miseries and the pleasures of being a victim)

        3 months ago

        For sure, realising your situation for what it is is an advantage. It sounds like you’re the type of person to get an advantage out of it. Like for example strategic land buying in India if you have the money can make you relatively wealthy over time. I want to say money isn’t everything but given I’m from Europe I feel like my opinion doesn’t apply.

        Either way, I’m sure you will at the bare minimum have an average life given how much aware you are so you got that going. Best of luck man