It’s my first time building a computer. I also haven’t really done much PC gaming in the past 15 years, except on my Steam Deck. Actually, it is the Steam Deck that has convinced me to invest in a desktop PC with some more power. I like the Linux experience on Steam Deck and would like to stick with that if possible. I haven’t used Windows in 15 years either, as I tend to use Mac OS and a bit of Linux for personal and work. Windows seems to just get worse and worse and I’d like to avoid it if possible.

In any case, I went with an AMD CPU because I’ve heard about Intel’s recent corrosion issues. And, chose an NVidia GPU since I’d like to take advantage of ray tracing. I’ve heard the driver support can be a bit mixed on Linux, but I’m open to trying to make it work unless folks think it really is terrible. Any feedback is helpful.

    3 months ago

    You’re probably already aware of ProtonDB since you’re using Steam Deck, but posting it here for the benefit of any other unsuspecting readers who are thinking of switching to Linux and haven’t stumbled across this advice yet. ProtonDB lists user reviews and tinker steps for games’ playability on Linux. From what I can tell, most games are perfectly playable on Linux, the biggest wildcard is whether the online anti-cheat works on Linux or not. Good luck!