• verbalbotanics@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      You’re not supposed to have fun. You’re supposed to learn so you can get a job that you enjoy.

      Hi, elder leftist here. The whole education system is already set up to produce obedient workers. If you don’t believe me, ask yourself how much time is spent teaching kids to organise effectively, or advocate for issues they care about. Or even just build good communication with their classmates, like how to react to bullying.

      All that matters is to follow the authority, don’t question the rules, put the things in your head that they give you and nothing else.

      The reason kids are bored in school is because the current system doesn’t address the real problems they have, so why should they care about the system.

      • ridethisbike@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Because during breaks is the time to either get some energy out or go socialize. A TON of social cues are learned during these breaks. And if they’re getting their dopamine fix from their phones during the breaks, you think that they will be MORE inclined to pay attention in class? The answer is no.

        Like the other guy said, pay attention in school. More is learned in school than just the course work.

      • Scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech
        1 year ago

        Take it from an old man, as you grow up friends drift apart. People change, you meet new people. You’ll always cherish those friendships you had back then, but you will never all be together in one place like you are now. People will have jobs, families, girlfriends, spouses, commitments. I love my best friend to death, we’ve been friends since jr high, but I see him once a year now.

        Take advantage of the time you have with them. Go to the gas station and get a soda that’s too big, walk around town aimlessly, do boring kid stuff. You’ll have all the time in the world to be online here later, late nights writing comments at 10pm, thinking fondly about doing stupid teenager stuff with your friends 20 years ago

        • Jamie@jamie.moe
          1 year ago

          Yup, I haven’t seen one of my friends in person in years because he’s in the army. Another one lives right here in town but has a whole family to take care of, but every single time he’s asked me to do anything with him has been a bad time, and I kinda feel bad about it. The rest of my friends have mostly either moved elsewhere or I’ve just not kept in touch.

          So yeah, even people that I kept in touch with for some time after I got out of school have basically not been in my life for some time now. I’ve got a few friends that I usually hang with online, but all my school mates have basically gone their separate ways.

      • Contramuffin@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        I won’t say whether it’s better or worse to ban phones during break, but I do think it is worthwhile to point out something that you might not know, given that you’re still in school.

        School is most likely the last time in your life to have actual, true friends. In college, and especially in work, your friends will almost certainly be fair weather friends, friends made out of convenience rather than anything substantial.

        I get that school sucks. I still think so. But there’s some benefits to how schools are run that you won’t recognize until you’re already out of school. Your social life will absolutely get tougher and you’ll be more isolated. So, my advice is to take the bad with the good. Have some fun with your friends in-person, because that’s really never going to happen again. Please don’t waste your school life on your phone.

        • Nice reply. You made me reconsider that part about phones during breaks.

          It is too late for me, but I believe it is for the better. If I made friends with the kind of classmates I always had, I believe they would have bad influence on me. For example, last year the class’ main character, 17 at the time, found someone’s shoes in locker room, unattended. He decided to piss into them. Also popular is weed, vaping, alcohol, making mess in places like McDonald’s (like mixing a burger with cola and spilling it all over the table…), damaging school property on purpose, etc…

          While not friends, I do have good memories about some teachers that will last. My elementary school teacher was quite nice. She would always listen if I wanted to talk about something, even if it was relatively nonsense. If I found something interesting, I was always hyped to tell her. Basically like a mom should be.
          In middle school, my physics, chemistry and math teachers were nice.
          You could always have some conversation with physics teacher, whether school related or not. He always kept happy mood, at least on the outside.
          The math teacher did similarly, but I also appreciate how hard he tried to get us to learn at least something. He got to the point where he shown us the exact questions that were to be on exam. It didn’t help. Now I feel quite sad about him, you could sometimes see him on the verge of crying. Especially during and after the COVID-19 lockdown. He tried hard to make math more interesting.
          Chemistry teacher was also nice. I could talk with him about problems I had at home. Being able to tell about your problems to someone is nice. Also, when the COVID-19 lockdown came, we had online learning. I didn’t have internet access, and only got an old laptop with broken keyboard from neighbor and I didn’t have money for a replacement keyboard. It really surprised me, but he gave me money to fix that laptop. I don’t know if he also intended that, but it made me feel like I had to put more effort into studying. I won’t forget that.

          Most of my high school teachers are nice though. Actually there’s just 1 I don’t like. That is a nice change since till high school it was just the 4 aforementioned that I liked.