A bit of a setback for Elder this morning. The welfare person at his school suggested we try next term for three morning sessions a week in class for an hour each time. When I mentioned it to Elder he had a meltdown, couldn’t sleep and now isn’t going to this morning’s meeting at all 😟😔 It seems like a bit of a leap from where he is now, and I only told him what it might look like and I didn’t push, but I guess it’s my fault and I feel like I’ve set him back by even mentioning it. His therapist actually suggested that online virtual schools might be the solution for now because he’s missed the whole first year of highschool up to this point, but the problem with that is Mr P is dyslexic and is not au fait with internet and tech and I have work, so there’d be nobody at home in a position to support him. I’m going to talk to my boss about more flexible hours (the financial planner in my head says, “but we need the money dammit!”), but I’m not optimistic as it is a factory job after all. Virtual Schools Victoria, aside from when the classes are held via video conferencing, are actually very flexible in their scheduling. Going to work now with all this running around in my head and had to put it somewhere 🤯😵💫
I’m so sorry you’re having such a hard time. I hope you can find a solution that works for all of you ❤️
Second (and my preferred) job just booked me in for a preliminary interview next Tuesday 😁
Congrats mate 🎉🍺
Perfect news for a Friday!! Good luck and keep us updated.
Best of luck FM!
Good luck! You’ll be great!
Good luck!
Crossing everything for you! 🤞🏼
good luck 🤞
Jimmy the Guts
Hi Jimmy 👋 Gentle pats upon your noggin.
Jimmy, what big whiskers you have.
Hey look, fire.
Now it’s like you’ve been to the festival! Plus imagine yourself lining up for a $25 pulled pork or beef roll.
Weird nightmare crew represent 🙌🏻🦠🧞♀️💍🩺💥
typed it out then realised it was kinda gross
I dreamt I had weird creatures/fungus/organisms all under my skin. It started with weird ant things coming out of my belly button the it was everything from giant green amoebas to insect type things to fungi. And one giant long thing up one leg that was a tracking device.
Took forever to get to a doctor but he was helping me get them out. Then there was some guy chasing me oh and I had to get to a wedding.
I am bloody exhausted. Off to check my whole body for weird pimples…(Shudder)……
👋🏼 I’ve got the Rona which seems to be making mine extra weird
I had a weird nightmare but I forgot it.
The other night I also had a weird nightmare involving zombies, a woodchipper, and a large and sturdy plate glass window.
I dreamed about wanting to hike to a waterfall and then hearing that it was now overrun by giant killer rats. I then I went to a weird “natural” lake but creatures from Diablo IV started coming out of a tunnel nearby and my boyfriend and I had to fight them, twas pretty wild!
I once dreamed I had seedlings growing in my legs.
That thread on the melbourne sub about the guy who had the mattresses dumped in his yard really makes me mad that the EPA, Council or Police won’t do anything about it. They’re just letting a scummy business owner get away with it.
Agreed. It sparked the vigilante in me and a lot of others in there.
Bet if you dump it in front of the Council or EPA CEO’s house something gets done.
Yeah, they’d be happy to charge you with dumping it. Doesn’t mean they’d do a thing to investigate it being dumped on you in the first place.
Certainly nice to get away. North Stradbroke Island.
I’ve been there. I grew up with a few of the Walker mob, the descendants of Kath Walker the poet. Shame about the sand mining company effectively stealing the island.
Lovely, and I hear it has great diving there.
Doing dry July this year.
Yay me!!
However it’s still June and the bottle of Jager needs to be emptied.
Finished writing letters to all the submissions for my writing competition. They all did such a magnificent job, and some of the stories were genuinely really good with interesting themes and ideas and twists that I decided to make them all winners. So they all get signed copies of my book.
I went to one school on Wednesday and announced the winners at assembly. Public speaking is not fun, but I think I did ok. But what really got me was as I was sitting and waiting, one of the kids randomly asks for a high five. Which I obliged. And the girl next to him goes ‘Don’t you know who that is? That’s [my name]. The author.’, which is a all sorts of absurd and crazy and awesome and yeah.
‘Don’t you know who that is? That’s [my name]. The author.
Bro, you made it! thats so fucking cool!
That’s so cool and cool a kid asked for a high five and cool you obliged. 😄 Kids are so awesome like that.
They are ridiculously excited over small things and it’s so damn infectious. Certainly makes me feel better.
Train - coughing ppl
Work - person sits at the desk next to me coughing and snotting.
Dentist - kid with chesty cough in waiting room
Ffs. I’m masked up because I have health issues.
I’m seriously looking at the Envo Masks. I’m still WFH, but Hubs heads into the city and I’m fucking sick of him bringing home plagues.
Got the nerves a bit today waiting for a call about the job from Tuesday.
Trying to distract myself pretty much.
Fingers crossed 🤞🏾
Edit: A sent them an email to “touch base”. Better to rip the band aid off in one go I think.
Edit: no luck this time.
I sent you a PM on that.
Thanks mate :)
On the way to school my daughter came across a flock of little corellas. Of course she took snaps. I think they made her day. It’s also the last day of term so it’s double happiness ☺
A couple of years ago I passed a flock of little corellas feeding on the grass at Latrobe Uni - they were eating bullants. Wtf? Only creature I’ve EVER seen eating bullants.
I didn’t get it. Pretty bummed out but there’s some more opportunities on the horizon.
Damn it.
I’m sorry. Take Simon out for a beer to commiserate tonight yeah? He did his best and deserves it!
I think that’s a great idea mate 🙂
I’m waiting on a response from yesterday’s interview which will come next week, another lined up for Monday, and my details being submitted for 2 more roles today.
Something will come through soon 🤞🏾
Boo, sorry to hear it. Hopefully the next one is The One.
I figure when it happens I’ll be over the moon considering all these issues lol
Oooh competitive goonsy. You beat me, although you were 5 seconds early and posted this yesterday 😛
Anyways, today (after 3am) is the steam “summer” sale! Time to buy games I won’t play for 6 months :D
I posted this right on the clock
Not quite
the clock on my pc was 12.00
I now have to investigate this
investigation done, my clock is 8.3 seconds ahead!!
my clock is now synchronised
As the time of posting was 5 seconds early this seems to indicate that it took about 4 seconds from when you posted it until when it was actually done. So you might need to post at 11:59:56 to get an exact midnight posting. More investigations may be required to confirm.
I had time.is up ready to beat you
I’ll just try to finish off my wishlist. I’m terrible at actually buying games.
I get an email that a game I wishlisted is on sale and I just go, ‘that’s great, good for them’ and never actually buy it
My sale was not very productive. I only got 3 games because I decided to buy cities skylines 2, which was only 10% off and still going for 62 bucks.
Also I don’t actually have enough space to install any of them because I left my hard drive at home
Bloody white-ass boomers pushing their way onto PTV. Everyone else stood to the side, but these four just had to make sure they got the seats they wanted… Even though there was only, like, 10 of us on the platform, who got on a whole ass train.
And they call my generation ungrateful and mannerless. Pfft.