• SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
    9 months ago

    Yeah Disney cheaping out on paying Mark Hamill for more than one movie (other than cameos) was probably the biggest problem with the ST. But TFA portrayed Luke Skywalker with a cameo better than TLJ which had him for a whole movie.

    Sure Disney killing off the character that symbolizes hope to save money was always going to piss people off, but FFS at least give us one movie where Luke goes on an adventure to save the galaxy. And the ending where “it was all just illusion” made me think “well this movie sucked… he never even left that fucking island, but at least he’s still alive so maybe he’ll do something in the next one” then the movie is like “haha nope!” It was the most infuriating way to handle a studio mandated character death possible.

    • MindTraveller@lemmy.ca
      9 months ago

      Luke using an illusion to save the rebellion was the best ending to the arc they established. He spends the whole movie angry that everyone is mythologising him and expecting him to be perfect. Then he uses his myth to trick the bad guys. If he’d showed up in person, he would have been giving in to the pressure to be this mythical figure. His arc would have been accepting that everyone who thinks Luke Skywalker is perfect is right. But instead, he uses the myth for shenanigans, which is a very much Luke-like thing to do.