The reason I choose to continue living is that I only have one chance to inhabit a mortal body in this world so I’d like to see it through for as long as I can. What’s yours?
I don’t choose. To continue living is just the default, and time keeps passing, so I’m alive by inaction…
Because I will be vindicated and I will have my revenge and, to quote Violent J although I’m not a juggalo, “I’m not gonna die till I get my shit!”
whoop whoop
deleted by creator
to spite entropy
I want to know what happens
No spoilers though!
I don’t truly know what happens to us after death but I believe it’s likely nothing so I want to have as much of something as possible. As I heard once, suicide is a permanent solution to what can only be a temporary problem. We all die in the end anyway.
Also, as far as lives go mine is pretty good. At least I think so. I don’t have any health problems, I have a job that pays more than enough for me to live comfortably, a house with a lot of possessions I like in it, and a cat.
It could be better. There’s a few things I can think of that would improve it. Some are pretty much impossible and some would be very difficult but there’s some that are probably within my reach, I’m just not putting in the effort to try to attain them.
I stick around because (like some other people here) I want to live to see or even better help discovery the set of rules that underly the universe, see the stars even if just in photos, see what humanity is capable at its best, create anything that comes to mind, and learn everything I can. If the reason I dont want to live is the world around me (which it is) then I’d rather go out fighting, trying to change things rather than giving up outright (as a sidenote I wish someone created a place for people like this to meet and converse I see y’all scattered around the place but I can’t find a singular congregation spot). I mean I have what could either be classified as very well thought out delusions of grandeur or long term plans for a sort of immortality and if there’s the slimmest chance I can achieve that then I’m gonna shoot for it, and if I die trying then I get to die knowing I contributed to science in some hopefully big ways. So in summary I live to spite the world we live in and for the admittedly astronomically low chance I achieve my insane goal as the reasons for not living all relate to not having enough time and being restrained to a material world. Writing it out loud it’s quite convoluted.
“I wish someone created a place for people like this to meet and converse I see y’all scattered around the place but I can’t find a singular congregation spot”
I feel you, it is all about getting together locally.
What is important is that We are here, we love life and want to live for the better!
DM are welcome!
Maybe I’m doing something wrong or I’m not in the right places but I attend, lead projects and socialize at my college’s physics, robotics, and engineering clubs, but the likeminded people I do find either aren’t very social or aren’t compatible with eachother. Thats not to say I dont get a small group going every once and awhile its just the overall pattern is people graduate, drift off, and any new members… to put it kindly, dont exercise the same level of critical thinking.
Maybe I’m just in the wrong places, college is a joke afterall, but I’m just curious if this is the kinda thing you ment by locally or not.
You seem to do great! Just keep being who you are and you will get all your answers. Take care!