• irmoz@reddthat.com
    6 months ago

    “This but for real This is what finally growing up feels like and it’s shit”

    dude, just try to follow along a little with the conversation before getting all defensive.

    You can’t just quote me then say nothing about the actual quote, then pretend you’ve made a point.

    Yeah - growing up means learning you’re not special. Not a protagonist. I didn’t say I was looking for a “call to adventure”.

    you’re so entrenched in capitalism you think that everything requires a purchase and privilege… but here’s a documentary, from the Anarchist Yacht Club on how to get a free yacht (it still requires work)

    We’re all fucking entrenched in capitalism, dude. I myself am an anarcho-communist, but that doesn’t mean I am suddenly living in an anarcho-communist world. I know there are some Mutual Aid networks out there, but you’re kinda missing my point.

    still think i’m out of touch?


    this whole conversation began with you saying growing up means no call to adventure…

    No, actually, it didn’t. It began with me relating to growing up and realising I’m not a protagonist, and that the world doesn’t actually value me as much as it pretended to when I was a child.

    You assumed I was referring to the adventure part, and I admit that I didn’t actually specify in my original post which part I meant, but nor did you actually ask.

    then you called me stupid, then said you didn’t call me stupid,

    When did I deny that? I didn’t. I denied the reasoning you projected :)

    then called me an “idiot”

    Yes I did.

    which, btw, is ableist language…

    Yes, it is.

    people with low intelligence are still qualified to have lives and opinions and conversations…

    Of course, and I’ll never deny you that right.

    your complete lack of consistency and character attacks make this “conversation” rather obtuse.

    How am I being inconsistent?

    now you’re calling me stupid again… but, my dearest friend, i never said it’s simple…

    Your flippant remarks speak to your condescension. You wouldn’t be condescending about encouraging someone to do something you considered difficult.

    it is not simple… but it IS possible…

    Never said it wasn’t.

    also, i’ve done it and have been living a “vagabond” lifestyle most of my privileged life…

    Never denied that.

    But billionaires say the same thing.

    i do suppose my intellectual upbringing and natural abilities is a privilege, in that i can confidently hitchhike and enter a city with $0 and a backpack and have a good adventure… my ability to improvise is a privilege…

    Good of you to admit that.

    i didn’t start out with any money if that’s what you think…

    They all say that.

    the things that you own, own you…

    Think for yourself, Tyler.

    i can drop everything and go anywhere i want…

    Because you’re an alienated ultra-liberal hustle-bro with no ties and no connection to society, by the sounds of it.

    my brother will be dying in the next year from cancer… he never traveled very much… he always wanted to get an RV, work remotely, and travel the country… for years he was mostly teaching online and could’ve definitely done it… now he will be (likely) staying in the same town, getting radiation and chemotherapy until he dies… (prognosis 1 year, <10% make it to 5 years)

    Okay, that’s terrible, but why do you tell me this?

    i’m giving you advice to take chances, change it up, live the adventure that you want… if the steps to that are unclear, then just take steps somewhere and you’ll eventually find the path you’re looking for…

    Dude. I’m literally already doing that. I already told you. I’m already currently taking huge gambles that are taking tolls on my mental health due to the stress they cause. I am no stranger to change and risk. Your “advice” is already a fact of my life it is so obvious. You’re telling me nothing I haven’t heard a million times already or rolled my eyes at a million more.

    Yes, it makes sense to seek change and takes risks. And, while we’re stating things of this caliber, let’s also note that gravity brings things down to the Earth and that grass, when left alone and in receipt of sunlight, water and air, will grow.

    i was moved by this. I do not want you to feel like shit… i want you to do something and change that…

    Already am, my friend.

    you can pretend like you don’t know what i mean, but i can tell we’re both too smart for that… but, more accurate than “comfortable” would be complacent.

    With what situation am I complacent? You do not even know the slightest whiff of my situation. I say this not to catastrophise or to sound in dire straits, because it’s not quite that, but simply to point out that you, as a literal fact, do not know my name, country of residence, social class or any other facts of my life. You can’t say I’m complacent with my lot if you don’t even know what my lot is, or what I do with my life.

    As a point of fact, I am currently both studying a CS degree and taking part in a game developers’ and broader creatives’ co-operative. I took both of these things on to broaden my horizons and get out of my comfort zone, and to push myself to improve, learning new skills, meeting new people, and broadening my perspective of the world through meeting other radically minded people, mainly anarchists, communists and so on. Meeting these people was, by your standards, my call to adventure.

    You’re barking up the wrong tree. I’m not a wallower. When I get bored, I make things, and I make things work.

    i grew up poor… like no money for school lunches, second hand clothes, swimming in pollution (i’ll probably get cancer too)… i left home with a shitty old school backpack with a shitty coleman sleeping bag tied to it with a rope…


    my privilege was the freedom of having nothing to left lose…

    Ok, ultra-liberal hustle-bro.

    • xor@infosec.pub
      6 months ago

      Ok, ultra-liberal hustle-bro.

      holy shit you’re fucking crazy… i didn’t read the rest of your stupid screed

      wow just… you’re the most full of shit person i’ve ever met online
      i’d accuse you of being gpt but that’s a lot more self-aware…
      liberal hustle-bro? is that your best attempt at concern trolling or something?
      what a weak, pathetic, child…

      • irmoz@reddthat.com
        6 months ago

        I know I’ve got you cornered, now, because you gave up on making points and resorted to solely name calling

        I called you names, but at least I had rationale and reasoning

    • xor@infosec.pub
      6 months ago

      Never denied that.

      But billionaires say the same thing.

      i didn’t start out with any money if that’s what you think…

      They all say that.

      you are fake as fuck and pretending to be some arachno-communist… but i know a shill when i see one…

      • irmoz@reddthat.com
        6 months ago

        Nice unfounded accusations

        The only one of us coming off as a shill is you, Mr VanLife