"SAG-AFTRA is standing up to tyranny on behalf of its members,” stated president Fran Drescher.

  • Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever@lemmy.world
    1 year ago


    We already have strong indications of companies like Ubi using AI models based on past performers. And stuff like Tomb Raider/Lara Croft is downright famous for how much they model her appearance off actresses (sometimes the mocap actress, sometimes just a random attractive one). And its worth remembering that the big attempt at “a virtual actress” was from a Final Fantasy movie. Hell, the rumor has been that most of Martinet’s Mario lines were recorded decades ago.

    Plus, as much as I love Warframe and DE, it has always been more than a bit sketch how many characters are voiced by non-union employees of the company (and, bottom dollar, Space Mom going out for a pack of smokes for a few years was worries that Reb would leave). And they are not at all out of the ordinary in that.

    So yeah. Video games should fucking respect the unions

    And for people thinking nothing will happen (like last time) because the vast majority of game dev can be done without the VAs or even the motion capping done?

    Take a look at the SAG strike. A24 and the like “rolled over” almost instantly and are largely operating like nothing has changed. Expect the vast majority of indie and “small studio” productions to do so. It means higher cost per game, but the SAG rates are nothing compared to the rest of game dev. And then it gives them a significant advantage.

    Whereas the big studios? Rockstar are nearing formal announcement on GTA6. Can’t do that if your talent is refusing to record lines and the like (not to mention the rumors (?) that they blacklisted the hell out of Nico Bellic’s VA after he dared to ask for more money). And you can bet that Sony are trying to find ways to get the TLOU show crowd playing games (although I totally expect Troy Baker to scab the fuck out of things).

    • InisSieferI@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      Does Troy Baker suck? I know he voices he a ton of characters but I’ve never heard of anything about him personally.

      And ya, this is a great step forward. Like movies and tv, the video game industry is rife with the money taking advantage of people. Maybe even more, because there’s less union backing in video games.

      • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        From the lede of his Wikipedia article:

        In early 2022, Baker was the subject of controversy due to his partnership with an NFT company that had been revealed to have plagiarized voice lines generated from 15.ai, an artificial intelligence text-to-speech project developed by an MIT student, as part of their marketing campaign.

        So yeah, seems like he might well suck.

      • Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        There have been some fan stories of Troy Baker that make him seem like a real douche bag. But mostly, just watch basically any time he does a big stage interview. It is almost a meme that he will find a way to talk about how amazing of an actor he is and cut off any woman in sight.

        He could very well end up being insanely pro-SAG and the like. But he shows every sign of being a Stephen Amell level of “Fuck you for not letting me promote my products”