I’m personally not watching it (you could call me a bit of a disco “hater” and s4 really kinda bummed me out) … but thought I’d see how people are enjoying it and think about getting a paramount subscription.

Asked some friends and they said they’d stopped watching. Then I checked here and the other community and posts about the episodes just seem to be tepid compared to what I would have expected.

Now obviously I’ve got a bias (and I really don’t want to start kicking the show) … but am I reading this right or wrong?

  • Stamets@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Why not just do 20 jumps and find out? Didn’t they do like 100 in short succession in season 1?

    They had trails but not end points. They knew the direction of travel but not where they would stop. With speed variances and cloaking shit that would have been a no go. Book was needed for that end point. A point he should not have known but that’s a completely different complaint.

    I saw the second episode which was better. 2 out of 10. This season is testing my fucking patience though and I don’t see Burnham as anything other than a shitty person now. Everything that comes out her mouth annoys me and feels unearned, undeserved, and outright insulting. Like when she starts talking down to someone for behavior she’s guilty of in that same episode I want to just start beating the shit out of Sarek for proving that you cannot raise a human under Vulcan ways and have them end up as anything other than a monumental cunt.