This is something I’ve always struggled with and I think it’s put my daughter in a spot where she’s very reluctant to do anything by herself.

Don’t get me wrong, she plays well with others and her younger brother, but when he’s not available she basically just wants to play with me rather than going off on her own and playing by herself.

Now I don’t mind, but I wouldn’t mind a bit of…not playing time but also I’m worried it’s going to affect her going down the line.


  • blackn1ght@feddit.ukM
    7 months ago

    My son (6) has always struggled to play on his own, he’s always wanting to do something with me, which is lovely but obviously I’m not always available. I try and encourage him to do things on his own but he’ll complain there’s nothing to do and that he’s bored and tries to suggest we do something together when I can’t. Any time I suggest he does something on his own he gets really frustrated and gets into a bit of a strop.

    My daughter (20months) has always seemed to be way more independent, she can easily play on her own and do her own thing for ages. She loves me reading to her but she’s content to look at books on her own or play with her toys. I can cook dinner for a while and she doesn’t nag or bother me at all.

    It’s been really enlightening with our daughter as to how much hard work our eldest was, the constant need for attention and playing was exhausting where as with our youngest we can kind of take a step back for a bit.