This is something I’ve always struggled with and I think it’s put my daughter in a spot where she’s very reluctant to do anything by herself.

Don’t get me wrong, she plays well with others and her younger brother, but when he’s not available she basically just wants to play with me rather than going off on her own and playing by herself.

Now I don’t mind, but I wouldn’t mind a bit of…not playing time but also I’m worried it’s going to affect her going down the line.


        7 months ago

        Ah, well in that case I wouldn’t worry personally. She’s still in the thick of the “look at me” / “I need your attention” stage.

        What I might gently suggest is that if she’s doing it at a time that’s inconvenient for you, or that you feel is too often, try setting her up with an individual activity and setting a boundary by saying “I have to get the dinner ready now so I won’t have time to play with you for the next 30 minutes”. She probably has no clue how long 30 minutes is yet. :D

        Something like drawing or painting is good as it doesn’t help to have you around so much or you’d be a downright hindrance. I’m sure there are others in that area too.