If someone suddenly attacks me with a pocket knife, for example, they’ll most likely immediately go right for my belly, since I am 6’5" tall, and stab or rip it open. Therefore, I’m curious how fatal and painful such a wound is?

  • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
    7 months ago

    To give you some context that you’ll be familiar with because of media exposure: the way that disgraced dudes in feudal japan would show how tough and sorry they were is by killing themselves via cutting their own bellies and pulling out their own guts. There had to be someone else waiting for them to screw up and cry about it whose job was to cut their heads off to save everyone else the gross out factor of watching someone die that way.

    When movies, books and shows needed to show that someone was both tough and brave in the face of certain death, they’d have em get gut shot as the end of a character arc for easy redemption.

    Someone else went into the details about why it’s so bad to get fucked up in the guts so I won’t. But those media and somewhat historic portrayals aren’t lying.

    OTOH survival rates for gunshots are pretty decent if you make it to the hospital fast af. Knife wounds are the same.

    If you expect to be in a slash and run type attack, I’d say wear an anti-stab vest and know how to quickly call ambulance on your phone.