• mako@lemmy.today
    7 months ago

    Our current understanding of math tells us that it’s 4, and simple addition like this led to higher levels of mathematics that we’ve used to do things like place humans on the moon.

    That never would have happened if we’d collectively said, “2+2=4 and now we know all math.”

    We don’t Know All Math. Check out all the unsolved proofs that our best mathematicians haven’t been able to solve. And those are just the questions we’ve thought to ask due to our current level of understanding.

    People who acted like you used to believe that they were having a drought because enough virgins weren’t blood sacrificed, as that was the contemporary thinking. They were just as unbending as you in believing they knew The Truth. We have the benefit of hindsight and advancements in science to better understand and predict droughts. You’re lacking the ability to see your place in history objectively and understand that what you call Truth is merely a theory of today that requires infinitely more understanding.

    If you’re not ready to accept that you don’t know The Truth, that you’re not in the special club of enlightened people like everyone who goes to the Flat Earth conferences also believes, I understand. It’s not an easy transition from “I’m so smart that I understand the very foundation of reality” to “I’ll never know The Truth about anything but I’m excited to keep learning.” It’s not something that happens quickly either. It’s a whole shift that changes how you see everything, and it can initially lead to feeling like the mom in the comic. I hope you can make that transition someday as the earth always needs more scientific minds.

    • Rediphile@lemmy.ca
      7 months ago

      Are you religious or something? I’m confused. Don’t worry about me bro, worry about yourself. You sound unwell.

      Edit: and the contemporary thinking is that we have free will, not my position that we do not

      • mako@lemmy.today
        7 months ago

        If you were able to take in anything I’ve said you wouldn’t have asked that, though you’ve made it abundantly clear that you don’t currently value the process of learning. I’ve never cast judgement on the theory you’ve chosen to call The Truth. Through everything I’ve said, you either refuse or can’t understand what I’ve clearly laid out. Your issue is blind acceptance of something you heard. Your arrogance and lack of actual knowledge told you that it sounds neat and makes sense at 30,000 feet so it’s Truth.

        You go for personal attacks because you have nothing of value to retort or add. Your Knowledge was challenged and you reacted with anger and name calling because you can’t reasonably address anything I’ve said.

        You and religious people have a lot more in common than you think. You all believe that you’ve found The Truth. Whether it’s Jesus or some theory you actually know practically nothing about, you’re drunk on feeling superior and think you comprehend the very nature of existence. There’s no real difference between you and any religious person because there’s as much hard evidence for one belief as the other. You believe there’s a difference because you chose to go all in on a theory as opposed to a god, and that makes you feel smug.

        You’re a kid who doesn’t know much about anything, and you think you’ve got existence figured out. It would be laughable if it wasn’t so sad and common.

        Hopefully you’ll grow out of this but there’s plenty of anecdotal evidence to suggest that may not be the case.

        • Rediphile@lemmy.ca
          7 months ago

          What name calling?

          You’re the only one making personal attacks. I only expressed my concern that you are unwell. Like just read what you yourself wrote, it’s all right there.

          • mako@lemmy.today
            7 months ago

            I get that you feel like you have to “win” and that since facts and logic aren’t on your side you want me to feel upset which would give you some sort of moral victory. You try and change the topic away from you claiming your own god (predestination) in response to an atheism comic no less, to debating my mental health which could put me on the defensive and begin to get under my skin like I have to you.

            It doesn’t work when you’re so transparent though. And even if it had, you’d still walk away knowing that some stranger poked a few holes in the latest belief structure that you were trying to use to make sense of your reality. That would be a fun challenge to an intellectual but just sucks for someone like yourself who wants to be right and feel smug.

            There’s hope though. You don’t have to stay like this. As you get older and mature, your awareness can help you to become someone who’s interested in learning instead of being right. Then you could grow into a real intellectual thinker instead of cosplaying one.

            • Rediphile@lemmy.ca
              7 months ago

              You didn’t answer the only question: ‘what name calling?’

              You may want to consider showing this thread to a friend or family member you trust and get their opinion of the interaction. I’m not at all trying to hurt your feelings or belittle you.