Smart devices were supposed to make life better, but constant updates have made them worse

    7 months ago

    The thing I’ve never understood is even just looking at Google, they’ve killed so many products when they could have monetised them better with a little thought.

    Instead, we have a phone thats useless for music unless you subscribe, photo storage is headed the same way and its whole ‘smart’ eco system has been ruined because of shareholder greed!

    Except if Google pulled there head out there arse and built a platform people wanted to use, they’d likely make more money than they’re making now. Yet they clearly don’t get it and think ‘cloud’ solves everything!

    Sadly Apple knows it has no competition so they’re just screwing with anything that they can and claim it’s ‘revolutionary’ so they can re-sell the same devices and while home assistant works ok for those of us who like tinkering, it’s a long way from being user friendly. Never mind the lack of anything smart, like speakers, displays, that work out the box.

    It’s just sad to see so much potential being ruined because of seemingly clueless companies!

      7 months ago

      Google has this culture that you need to make something to be something, usually someone will have an idea to make a product, then the product is quite successful and they get promoted away from managing that product.

      Then someone gets assigned to manage that product, since that someone new also wants to make “something” to be something, they put their own spin on that product.

      Since they’re not the one who made the product in the first place, they missed what made the product great.

      This causes the product to lose quality, and therefore the user base. With a reduced user base, there’s no justification to keep the product alive, so Google pulled the plug on the product.

      It’s a vicious cycle that results in a lot of things made and killed by Google.