Inspired by gregorum’s post concerning issues with, which is ironic as is a bit glitchy right now and isn’t letting me upload and had to use my alt here.

    7 months ago

    Figuring out a tech solution that could be applied to many other problems then completely forgetting about it in the next episode is what Star Trek is all about isn’t it?

    Especially when the transporter is involved. They’ve used the transporter to cure diseases, then forget about it later. Scotty was in a transporter pattern for decades putting him into a perfect stasis. Whey don’t they do something like that for emergency situations if they’re running out of air or food? Forgot about it. Riker got split into two different Rikers. Wouldn’t the Dominion want to recreate this so they could quickly make millions of copies of fully trained Jem Hadar soldiers every time they rocked up to a planet they wanted to conquer? Guess they didn’t think about that. That time O’Brien transported to a ship when the shields were up. Few episodes later “we can’t beam over their shields are up!”

    The list goes on and on.

    I think it’s firmly established that transporters are basically magic in Star Trek. They can do whatever an episode needs them to do and they can’t do things whenever it would too easily solve a problem. If we’re ten minute into an episode: “nope transporter can’t do that even if it worked in a previous episode” Last 10 minutes of an episode: “We use the transporter by doing !”