I think most people’s issue with it was is wasn’t the same type of show as sg1 and Atlantis.
It wasn’t as action packed, the stakes were never as high.
I see no issue with it beyond lack of clear plot direction, which both precious shows also had in the first seasons.
Just don’t ask my feelings about the timelines, or how “impossible” it is to go get them with asgard-improved hyper drives along with all their knowledge after Unending.
“Lost” with chevrons. “Universe” was “Lost” with Chevrons. Especially the way it spent 5 episodes layering mystery upon mystery, almost instantly abandoning the solution to about 60% of them. Then it spent 2 episodes answering the remaining 40% in a weird and completely unpredictable way so trying to solve them yourself becomes utterly pointless, killing all engagement.
And the original movie that spawned all the shows we’re talking about could be poorly described as a spacey twist on dances with wolves.
As I said, lack of direction that was present in the previous shows.
Of course the biggest difference is they had experience enough to try and do new things for the series, but didn’t apply their experience from the past shows in the “clear direction” aspect. I feel like once you’ve got two shows of the same header under your belt, you should be able to hit the ground running coughstartrekcough
I’m absolutely open to a variation of the set formula. A third, almost identical show would’ve been boring as hell. Yet, I did not enjoy “Lost” at all and “Universe” failed to grab me for the same reasons ;)
What I absolutely hated about Stargate Universe was the teen drama they injected into the stories. It was exactly the thing that Stargate:SG1 parodied in Wormhole Extreme right down to the pregnancy.
And ending each episode of the first season with a Dawson’s Creek music montage. Ugh.
I liked Universe.
I think most people’s issue with it was is wasn’t the same type of show as sg1 and Atlantis.
It wasn’t as action packed, the stakes were never as high.
I see no issue with it beyond lack of clear plot direction, which both precious shows also had in the first seasons.
Just don’t ask my feelings about the timelines, or how “impossible” it is to go get them with asgard-improved hyper drives along with all their knowledge after Unending.
“Lost” with chevrons. “Universe” was “Lost” with Chevrons. Especially the way it spent 5 episodes layering mystery upon mystery, almost instantly abandoning the solution to about 60% of them. Then it spent 2 episodes answering the remaining 40% in a weird and completely unpredictable way so trying to solve them yourself becomes utterly pointless, killing all engagement.
And the original movie that spawned all the shows we’re talking about could be poorly described as a spacey twist on dances with wolves.
As I said, lack of direction that was present in the previous shows.
Of course the biggest difference is they had experience enough to try and do new things for the series, but didn’t apply their experience from the past shows in the “clear direction” aspect. I feel like once you’ve got two shows of the same header under your belt, you should be able to hit the ground running coughstartrekcough
I’m absolutely open to a variation of the set formula. A third, almost identical show would’ve been boring as hell. Yet, I did not enjoy “Lost” at all and “Universe” failed to grab me for the same reasons ;)
What I absolutely hated about Stargate Universe was the teen drama they injected into the stories. It was exactly the thing that Stargate:SG1 parodied in Wormhole Extreme right down to the pregnancy.
And ending each episode of the first season with a Dawson’s Creek music montage. Ugh.