Today I dreamt everyone saw my naked body and then stopped talking to me. I suppose out of disgust. Their loss, I’m a hottie. Weird dream nonetheless. deng stare

I have a pseudo reoccuring dream where my home is non-linear, doesn’t make sense and usually on every wall there’s a door, and strangers keep coming in. I always try so hard to stay in, but they tell me to leave or try to force me to. Obviously it’s linked to my long standing fear of losing housing, but the architecture is always so absurd, as are the events. Last time I had this dream, I had a support dog going around with me, and I’m scared of dogs usually, but as long as the dog has a non dog face it’s okay, and this was a pug, which is also sad because pugs have inherent health issues.

Please spoiler if you have scary dreams. I’m a softie. >/////<

  • 2 days ago I had a nightmare of an alligator attacking a building and the people in the building were being dicks to the alligator for fun, then a rescue team came to evacuate them, but everyone was having so much fun annoying the alligator so the team had to say “leave immediatly, don’t worry if you don’t leave right now with us, we won’t be back to recover you” and like damn