Today I dreamt everyone saw my naked body and then stopped talking to me. I suppose out of disgust. Their loss, I’m a hottie. Weird dream nonetheless. deng stare

I have a pseudo reoccuring dream where my home is non-linear, doesn’t make sense and usually on every wall there’s a door, and strangers keep coming in. I always try so hard to stay in, but they tell me to leave or try to force me to. Obviously it’s linked to my long standing fear of losing housing, but the architecture is always so absurd, as are the events. Last time I had this dream, I had a support dog going around with me, and I’m scared of dogs usually, but as long as the dog has a non dog face it’s okay, and this was a pug, which is also sad because pugs have inherent health issues.

Please spoiler if you have scary dreams. I’m a softie. >/////<

    8 months ago
    One fucked up dream that I haven't forgotten

    is that I was on vacation with my folks and we were at a hotel. Pretty common theme if I’m being honest, I much prefer when I get to glide out of the window, but I digress. Well one-by-one the various members of the family were being introduced into the story. Well eventually I go through those little side doors at night to get to the other rooms and I sneak into a room two over, grab something and then sneak back in through the first room. This is completely uncharacteristic but for some fucked up reason, beyond my will, I close my fucking eyes while going through the room, almost as if my subconscious really doesn’t want me to see what’s happening in there. I reunite with my family and they turn the lights on and ask me how I got there. I told them about the door and that I unlocked it (a natural dream ability I have) and one of them breaks the script by opening the door and I couldn’t stop them in time. To my absolute horror I saw

    CW: Very disturbing

    There’s a naked man around my age who vaguely looks like they would be a member of the family on the bed with their eyes closed (symbolically that represents a soul which is not active) they open their eyes and then immediately like a program that crashed while booting up, start moving around unnaturally but cyclically as if they were glitching out. One of them referred to it as “that man is having a seizure” and went over to take care of them. Eventually under their care the man closes their eyes again and calms down back to the motionless state they were in before.

    The most fucked up thing is that I was sitting guilty huddled up against the wall as if I was ashamed of what happened to them. The visuals were disturbing but nowhere near as disturbing as the implications of what happened there. I have yet to see that entity ever again, as if my subconscious has been hiding it from me and I wasn’t even supposed to have seen it in the first place. Who are they? What was that thing I grabbed. What did those different rooms represent? Why was the thing so important that I had to jeopardize seeing something I wasn’t supposed to just to get it? Do I still have it? What does it do? Why is this being kept a secret from me? Either way, now that I’ve become wise to it, almost all chances of learning more have been locked down, so I may die before knowing what any of that means.