Please start your comments with the following question answered at the top:

“Will you vote for Biden in the 2024 election?” [Y/N]

    8 months ago

    Yup, it’s the people with moral platitudes smelling their own farts thinking that they’re taking the highest path and everyone around them are just morally inferior bigots that hold back the left. The ones that propose lofty goals, aspire to dream of the perfect world, and then when are asked how to get there always answer “I don’t know but we have to!” or “Fight the rich!” - Well that’s just dandy little Timmy but do you have a policy idea? Something we can reasonably campaign on to put into law or are you just giving us your ideological end point?

    Fucking worthless. Less than worthless.

    You don’t get to abstain from the system, you merely get to choose how you participate. Not voting is still participating no matter how much you feel like it might be a protest against it. Plenty of people don’t vote, we still have elections. Trump won, we didn’t get better Democratic candidates. Your current choices are to vote blue and kick the can down the road, vote red and succumb to evil, or don’t vote and reassure yourself there’s no blood on your hands however it shakes out. You want to change the system? Great! Another lofty ideological goal.

    Got a reasonable idea on where to start? Of course not. Fucking worthless.

    Reality is gritting your teeth and making uncomfortable choices knowing it’s the best you can do right now. It’s understanding you can’t make the choice you want because you don’t have the means. It’s having to pay for medical bills when you really wanted that new TV. My brother I have so many political dreams, the chief among them being UBI, but I’m well adjusted enough to know I have no solutions on how to make it reality. So I just dream about it. The difference is I realize what my dreams are without solutions.

    Fucking worthless.

      8 months ago

      Thanks for asking a question and answering it for me, really great conversation you’re presenting. I think the worthless people are the ones who think there’s nothing we can do, you’ve already lost. Are you suggesting there are no examples or policies which could help correct our path? If everything is a “lofty goal”, what are you kicking the can down the road towards? Do you have any idea of what you’re actually doing or are you just knee-jerk reactionary at this point? Please fill me in on all your great ideas since everything presented in the history of politics isn’t reasonable. And please, no “lofty” ideas on what may happen in the future. We need concrete and realistic policies here since you know better. Oh, there are none? Fucking worthless.

        8 months ago

        Yeah that kind of question is something we call rhetorical where your answer is irrelevant because the answer should be apparent. I’ll remove the question mark from my keyboard so you don’t get confused in the future. Oh there’s definitely something we can do I’m just not so disillusioned by my own abilities I think I know the answer like the "don’t vote"rs. I’m not so confident in my abilities that I would preach the first braindead idea that slithered into my head. “Don’t vote” is the solution to “change the system!” and the logic to do so is flimsy at best and bordering utterly retarded. The difference between you and I seems to be you’ve fooled yourself into believing not having an answer is better than whatever bullshit you can scrounge up from [Social Media Platform]. That you, without experience, merit, education, or really anything that would qualify a person to understand what would actually change the system believe you can do so because a bunch of people on [Social Media Platform] said it can.

        Your answer is break the system and reform it and when I long for your answer on how, you’ve still not told me. Instead you’ve tried to uno reverse card me which is pretty cute.

        My answer is to prolong the slow decline, to prevent the sudden drop into fascism a second Trump term would likely grant. My answer is to wait until an opportunity arises that allows us to make good, strong, positive change, not to throw my hands up and let things get much much worse. We almost had it with Bernie. We almost had a good blue president that would have given us the chance to do real good. So my answer is the same as it has been. Vote blue, no matter who, until such a time presents itself we can do real change.

        “Wait for a better moment” seems like a realistically bitter policy. To take my medicine no matter how distasteful with the hope I’ll get better one day. That a chance to do better will come before I die.

        No dreams there.

          8 months ago

          wow, talk about someone smelling their own farts.

          Oh there’s definitely something we can do My answer is to wait until an opportunity arises We almost had it We almost had a good blue president with the hope I’ll get better one day. That a chance to do better will come before I die. No dreams there.

          So no actual policy? Just lofty dreams of a possible future time you could “maybe” do something, but you don’t even know what that maybe is? You’ve presented nothing but insults and demand other people present policy which you’ve already deemed worthless. At this point its apparent I could present something you agree with but you’ll disregard it because it won’t fit your narrative you’ve created. I did learn you’re an arrogant and bitter person so there’s at least that to get out of this conversation.

            8 months ago

            “I hope things get better some day”

            “Wow you’re so arrogant”

            Yeah fuck off. You’ve abandoned the conversation to go “no u” and I’ve lost interest debating wall.

        8 months ago

        don’t threaten me with a good time, Americas downfall would be a mercy to the rest of the world

        This you? Yeah fuck right off you little anarchist. Your opinions are less than dirt.

        • Diva (she/her)
          8 months ago

          How compelling, I can see why you guys are doing so well at this “governing” thing-

          Also America falling into ruin would take its boot off the necks of all of my comrades abroad. You can say “trump would be worse” but the biden body count is way higher at this point, in only one term!