Switch to Linux!
From Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows11/comments/1as1yjk/microsoft_in_their_infinite_wisdom_has_replaced/
Switch to Linux!
From Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows11/comments/1as1yjk/microsoft_in_their_infinite_wisdom_has_replaced/
No, thanks.
Open shell?
This is the way.
This is the way
its very reasonable
… Coffee costs more than this license.
There are free OS alternatives out there (which I suspect you already use but just want to poop on other’s parade).
I assume that if someone’s already using Windows, a paid OS, they are willing to pay $2 to make it usable.
idk who pays for windows these days but go you
Almost everyone pays for Windows. Notice how computers that let you not include it in the order get cheaper.
not everyone buys prebuilts but I haven’t had any actual windows license since like windows 7 I just use a random key off a PC work is throwing out oh just don’t register the shit
I prefer if persistent, high-permission code running on my machine is FOSS, and support the devs if I see it’s useful
I prefer it too, but if something works well and saves me time and effort for $2, I don’t make a big deal out of it. I also need to accomplish things other than monkeying around with my computer.