Been seeing a lot of content on Lemmy and google that has me feeling sad, y’all have any tips for distracting yourself when this happens?

    8 months ago

    Whatever it is that you feel in this moment, it won’t be forever. It is real, and it is affecting you, but it won’t last. In the future you won’t even remember 99% of what is happening right now, regardless of how it seems.

    Find things that help you process your emotions in a relatively healthy way. That could be a physical activity or a hobby or a person to talk to or a pet or anything really. Sometimes just going on a walk can do wonders, even if it feels like it wouldn’t do anything.

    Someone out there has all the same struggles as you, and someone else has even more. It is ok to have bad days, and it is ok to need to focus on yourself when you are overwhelmed. Over time you’ll build a chosen family, and you’ll find your people. The important part is to stick around so that they can eventually find you too!