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sudo stop telemetry
Can’t wait for SystemD for Windows
sudo systemctl disable telemetry
I honestly want that. I much prefer managing services with systemd.
And this incident has been reported. As have all your activities, searches, sites, and keystrokes
They need to end the “this incident has been reported” line with an animated laughing Bill Gates saying “ah ah aaaah, you didn’t say the magic word!”
Wayne Knight still underrated
Big bro, no!!!
ERROR: Fuck you! What do you think, we’re Linux? How will we earn them monies without your data?
Win12 confirmed as a Linux mint cinnamon derivative distro.
No, that would be too soon. It took them over 20 years to make a package manager, 15 years to add tabs to Windows Explorer. Maybe in 10-20 years they will do it.
package manager
They’ve got winget recently so they get closer than you think.
Win12 confirmed 2044 release date.
“linux mint, but it sells your data”
i know microsft isn’t really selling it, but they’re making money like they do.
And slower and never fuckin updates…
Also features Snap?
I thought Microsoft was copying KDE
I think mint is too Linuxy for win…they might go with Ubuntu and embrace snaps
ironically, cinnamon was made to be familiar to windows users (im pretty sure)
Cinnamon is one of four DEs whose reason for being is to be Not Gnome 3. Mate, a fork of Gnome 2, Cinnamon, a fork of Gnome 3 that isn’t dumb and bad, Unity, from Ubuntu’s “Not Developed Here” period, and more recently Cosmic or whatever Pop!_OS is calling their thing.
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Sorry, I’m not a fan of mint cinnamon
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Can you please not express your political views by putting scat porn in my comment section? Thanks
Doesn’t really make sense in the context of windows tbh
sudo = “superuser do”
They should have made it NT-ASdo for “NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM do”
Except it should actually be a powershell module so you have to type out the whole thing as NT-AuthoritySystem-Do
But it needs to be a verb like
Do-As “NT Authority/System”
Have to quote it in too… since there’s a space.
Probably something more like “Invoke-Command -AsAdmin”
Which would be aliased to sudo
That’s what I wxpect. But with one more layer. In the end it’s going to be system32/elevator.exe which is called by Invoke-Elevation in ps which is aliased to sudo.
It’s supposed to be available in cmd and batch so it must be callable directly
I was more postulating what they probably would do if it were implemented directly in PowerShell
But, as it turns out, it’s just sudo.exe in the command path
Wait, is sudo pronounced su du then?
yeah but it sounds dumb so im never gonna say it correctly
Sounds like Scooby Doo’s lost cousin Sue Doo
Gonna pronounce it all the way like a french for the rest of my life
You have a /s but I wouldn’t be surprised if it had a really long syntax
Oh thank goodness, having to spawn a full admin terminal every time you need that is such a pita
And there is absolutely no way, that I could find, to create or pin a shortcut to eg WinTerm, which would launch it as admin.
Actually, that’s an easy one to workaround: hold down Ctrl+shift when you click on it (or any pinned application) and it will launch it elevated. Makes that part feel so much simpler and straightforward when I found that out.
Oh dang
Yeah, I’m sure my IT security would love me putting that on the servers I manage
Though, apparently, this is not going to be added to Server anyway…boo
i mean it’s open source and has secure defaults so ¯_(ツ)_/¯…
I’m going to guess you don’t have to work with an IT security office…
>“sudo was initially released: circa 1980”
Random sidenote, today I learned that not only does sudo have a logo, it’s in direct reference to a classic xkcd strip.
They’re also aknowledging that it already existed… It’s new to windows. I don’t like them either but you don’t need to actively look for shit to be upset at them over.
I was poking fun at MS for promoting a new feature which has existed on other platforms since the early 80s and should have had a Windows equivalent ages ago.
I’m curious, what part of my comment makes you think I’m upset? I genuinely don’t know how you came to that conclusion, and if I do come off as upset for making a joke I’d like to avoid that in the future.
The sandwich with a face makes me feel uncomfortable for some reason
This sandwich is definitely the type of sandwich to eat humans as revenge for its kind.
it has that creepy uncle look going
Kinda wish I didn’t know it had a logo. Those eyes are staring into my soul
today I learned that not only does sudo have a logo,** it’s in direct reference to a classic xkcd strip**.
this is definitely not directed at you but hearing xkcd described as classic makes me feel old :)
Oh I didn’t mean to classify xkcd itself as “classic”! It’s just that #149 is probably one of Randall Munroe’s most iconic comics and one of the first ones that come to my mind when I think of xkcd.
I must say though, it’s been around for almost two decades, being successful and constantly relevant in nerdy online spaces. If there is such a thing as a classic webcomic, xkcd should probably qualify.
haha it’s ok i just remember laughing over it with my friend when i just left uni in like 2003 or sometime like that :)
Soon, some linux newbies would search for how to do something with sudo and spent an hour scratching their head trying to figure out why the command not working, only to realize they copy pasted sudo command for windows instead.
Or the other way around
Most likely the other way around. They’ll see the guide mention Windows and bail out because it’s proprietary
I meant that window users will see Linux commands since Linux has been around for much much much longer and window users will get confused. Which is good, we need people to start hating Windows so they’ll consider Linux
I am pretty sure it won’t work 100% like sudo on Unix-likes, so why didn’t they come up with different name, like
? This command beingsudo
will only confuse users.I think they want to compete with GNU/Linux and attract its users. They made WSL for probably the same reason. They even have a terminal now that almost doesn’t suck.
Except it does… (Its really slow and clunky)
Windows terminal is now my preferred terminal. I use it on a daily basis at work, and adding in WSL just makes things easier in general for Windows. My google search history is no longer Powershell eqicalent for X in linux.
Well I’m glad it works for you. Also I don’t think it runs under wine so you are stuck on Windows.
Yeah, when I used it, every command had like a second of delay. It was also buggy. But it has tabs and you can even split the window into multiple panes. So big improvement over cmd.
How long ago did you try it? I gave the first iteration of wsl a chance and had the same experience, it was super slow especially for things like ls. Its a lot better since wsl2. Probably 90% or more the performance of bare metal install of linux
I used it last year on Windows 10 (I was forced to use Windows by my employer). I didn’t use it with WSL, just with Git Bash.
Also forced to use windows for work. That wasn’t the windows terminal program being slow, that was git bash.
Ah, interesting. I didn’t realise that it was slow.
wsl is good for when ure forced to use windows
When searching commands now Windows garbage comes up
So it’s more to poison search results to stifle Linux adoption
That’s probably why they named the Xbox One the Xbox One all those years ago. Whenever people googled how to mod an Xbox One to play pirated games, they would keep finding original Xbox crap instead since everyone up until that point called it “Xbox 1”.
In typical Microsoft nonsensical naming schemes, they had nowhere to go after Xbox 360.
They didn’t want to say xbox 2 because it was less than PS3
But Nintendo had no problems with jumping to 64
I gave up on paying attention to Xboxes when they started calling them such stupid fucking shit like “Xbox x series sx”. Now you have to be really familiar with Xbox lore to even figure out what the latest current one is.
would you like to seach Edge™ with our Microsoft AI™?
Whenever a windows user Google’s how to do something with it the Linux thing will show up. Microsoft might need to rethink this
Just block all search results related to linux in bing. There fixed.
cd c:\folder
ls Command not found
Every Fn Time , now they add sudo?
Ditch CMD and use PowerShell like a civilised person. ls is a valid built-in alias to Get-ChildItem. cd itself is an alias to Set-Location.
I just run Linux directly and skip windows for almost everything.
Some quotes from Steve Jobs about Microsoft:
- The only problem with Microsoft is they just have no taste. They have absolutely no taste. And I don’t mean that in a small way, I mean that in a big way, in the sense that they don’t think of original ideas, and they don’t bring much culture into their products. --Triumph of the Nerds (1996)
- I am saddened, not by Microsoft’s success — I have no problem with their success. They’ve earned their success, for the most part. I have a problem with the fact that they just make really third-rate products. --Triumph of the Nerds (1996)
- I wish developing great products was as easy as writing a check. If that was the case, Microsoft would have great products.
You made me angry with myself for agreeing with Steve Jobs.
maybe he got those quotes from Wozniak, too /j
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Don’t worry, all the quotes work for Apple too. You can always hate both.
Nah, senile grandad needs a phone too.
Simple, overpriced tech for simple people who don’t prioritize tech or value.
I hate Steve Jobs specifically, his proud lack of charity, his overt need for the credit of talented people despite being nothing more than a marketer, and notably letting his proven child live on welfare for years as he was worth at the time millions. Most pos market capitalist oligarchs join Jobs in rejecting charity (commensurate with their wealth) and community, but even most of them somehow manage to play human when it comes to paying for their own children to eat without complaint, which made Jobs a particularly awful human being, even among our sociopath owners, which takes a lot of talent in being awful.
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We already had this function, they just made sudo into an alias of:
runas /user:Administrator
No, that required the local admin account to have a password, which is usually unset (and the account is also locked). This uses the UAC system instead.
will run as whatever account you specify, so you can absolutely use it to run something as a domain admin accountI think they meant you could use any account that is an admin with runas to elevate.
then, use gsudo. it uses uac and even has convinience features from linux sudo like maintaing an open session for passwordless elevation for a couple of minutes after the password is entered.
Sadly it doesn’t seem to handle the one use case I really wanted it to handle, which is running elevated commands through a terminal in a VSCode tunneling session without also having an RDP session open for me to click the confirmation dialog.
You should theoretically be able to login as a admin. I’ve never used VScode so I have no idea what your setup looks like.
This is the most non-credible real shit i’ve seen in a while. Sudo for windows? What is next? The whole gnutils native on windows? If they do that I’m going to be happy because i could play games that aren’t suported on linux but at the same time scraping all the big pile of shit that windows is packaged with.
Like neutered Windows, like droping a huge nuke into Sytstem32 directory and killing every shit.
No more you don have permisions to do this when i’m the only user, plus administrator. Current state it feels like microsoft is lending my computer to me or something.
Well tbh Mac OS is having the same aproach. I’ve used old macos and nowadays all the things someone wants on an os are hidden in maze like preferences windows and whatever bullshit.
Windows is just the expensive knock off at this point XD
Is it a wrapper around
?Maybe, but knowing the ease of
, I really hate usingrunas
. Most of the time, I just want plain old admin privileges. Mostly I don’t care whether I can impersonate another user with this.Given what MS did to powershell to make *nix commands like ls work (i.e. make them plain aliases to the equivalent powershell commands without any attempt to convert flags) I wouldn’t get my hopes up. (Nothing could have prepared me for the disappointment of typing ls -l and getting an error.)
I hate to be a pessimist but $20 says they’re just making it so they can technically claim that Windows supports commands Linux users are used to and therefore that Linux users should have no trouble in a Windows environment.
runas is trash, to be honest. I’ve been waiting 30 years for an OS-native tool that allows me to delegate specific commands for specific users to run with specific parameters as admin. Something I can do with sudo (well, sudoers) in 5 minutes is outright impossible on Windows. I’d like to believe that Microsoft will implement this part of sudo, but I’m not gonna hold my breath
From the page linked in that article
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runas.exe cannot start elevated process. Exceptions seem to be MMC snap-ins so you can launch something like lusrmgr.msc or devmgmt.msc with admin account and you will have admin rights.
I’ve been using gsudo for that for a while, but it’s nice to have native options.
sudo pacman -R sudo
sudo pacman -R pacman
Wait? Is it possible to remove
??Yes, you will then need an Arch ISO to pacstrap it again, but it is possible. Arch is not a system that limits your freedom.
It’s a component like everything else. Sure you can remove that