Tech Used to Be Bleeding Edge, Now it’s Just Bleeding | After a decade of scandals and half-assed product launches, people are no longer buying the future Big Tech is selling.::After a decade of scandals and half-assed product launches, people are no longer buying the future Big Tech is selling.

    9 months ago

    Ah I should have guessed your opinion comes from a weird type of elitist nonsence but I can play that game too if you like…

    You’re only thinking about the world you know which appears to be shitty movies and being a gamer that’s decided you’re not like the degenerate games you’re high class, ok bud but I doubt that’s how s casual observer sees it and I think you know that which is why you put on such a show to p distance yourself from what you recognise if your set. So shove your classism up your ass and grow up.

    People with actual important things going on have been using vr for years, they did fucking surgery on a grape for fuck sake! While the surgeons were extoling the wonders of VR for complex remote surgery using hyper advanced robotics what the fuck were you doing? Bitching that the console noobs don’t have the same high culture as pc gamers?

    When the USAF flies the F-35 and the pilot puts on his HMDS with the Distributed Aperture System do you think it’s because they’re trailer trash junkies looking for a distraction or maybe because billions of dollars of research went into creating the absolute best control system and it turned out that’s very clearly VR?

    And the drone operators, the architects, the astronauts at nasa who use it… They just haven’t realised it’s stupid and useless, only an enlightened pc gamer like yourself is wise enough to realise there’s no use for it.

    • well that was cathartic, hope you don’t take anything I said personally and that you have a lovely day but I felt it appropriate.

    Vr has proven to institutions that have the money and tech to use it that it’s incredibly useful, as tech improves and ecosystems get established we will see it move towards ubiquity there’s no doubt about that.

      9 months ago

      Lol, the only grapes here are your sour grapes that people don’t give a fuck about VR except for shiny toys and things that run up medical bills for equipment surgeons don’t need, making healthcare costs worse.

      Also don’t make me laugh about the F-35. Look up “Boondoggle”. As for professional uses, drone operators are about your only successful use case. Everything else is just an expensive toy looking for a purpose.

      You wouldn’t be so salty if you weren’t insulted that VR is a ridiculous joke.

          9 months ago

          Sure, no argument there. There’s just stuff like this

          Not living up to top billing The company building the F-35 has made grand claims. Lockheed Martin said the plane would be far better than current aircraft – “four times more effective” in air-to-air combat, “eight times more effective” in air-to-ground combat and “three times more effective” in recognizing and suppressing an enemy’s air defenses. It would, in fact, be “second only to the F-22 in air superiority.” In addition, the F-35 was to have better range and require less logistics support than current military aircraft. The Pentagon is still calling the F-35 “the most affordable, lethal, supportable, and survivable aircraft ever to be used.”

          But that’s not how the plane has turned out. In January 2015, mock combat testing pitted the F-35 against an F-16, one of the fighters it is slated to replace. The F-35A was flown “clean” with empty weapon bays and without any drag-inducing and heavy externally mounted weapons or fuel tanks. The F-16D, a heavier and somewhat less capable training version of the mainstay F-16C, was further encumbered with two 370-gallon external wing-mounted fuel tanks.

          In spite of its significant advantages, the F-35A’s test pilot noted that the F-35A was less maneuverable and markedly inferior to the F-16D in a visual-range dogfight.

          Source: (sub sources cited as well including military journals and declassified documents from the Air Force).

          There are other gems out there about the F35 including how obsolete weapons from 1999 can penetrate its stealth capabilities, hone in on its radar cross section, and shoot it down.

          But y’know, kinda like this VR pipe dream, don’t let facts get in the way of delusion. Let’s just pretend it’s all great.