I want to learn how to cook properly and make simple recipes and don’t spend too much time looking for what to make everyday.

So I start looking into some recipes I can make with the instant pot that we have at home.

But then I can’t find certain ingredients in the local supermarket, or the ingredients are too expensive, so I start searching for other places to buy cheaper produce. Then I also start looking at what recipes don’t take too much time to make, and read about meal prep and such, and find communities and websites. And then I look at local classes for learning how to cook, but they are way too expensive and I’m not sure whether they will be any good, etc…

And so I spend hours and hours researching all these things, but I never actually start cooking or go to the grocery store for ingredients.

I’m now feeling tired and have no energy to actually do any cooking anymore. And I just have no clue where to get started.

It seems like I’m stuck thinking of how to do something the best way possible, instead of actually trying something. But when I want to try something, I have no idea where to even start.

Anybody experience the same sometimes?

  • Treemaster099@pawb.social
    9 months ago

    Yeah, I experience this all the time. I’ve got dozens of interests and I often find myself in the same situation where I’ve put too much energy into research and now I don’t have any left for actually doing it.

    Here’s what I do, I take a day away from whatever it is and the next day I put together the smallest thing I can do, rather than the best. It’s even better if you can just use what you already have, supplies and research included.

    In your case, cooking is perfect for this way of doing things. You can play with the recipe as you’re making it. And unless you’re dealing with raw meat at that moment, you can taste as you go to get everything just right. I recommend a simple vegetable soup. There’s almost always some vegetables laying around in my fridge or cupboard and there’s so many ways you can make it yours. Some veggies, tomatoes, water, and a couple spices is the simplest way.

    After that, try swapping some parts out, maybe broth instead of water, or throw in some chopped chicken, or swap tomatoes for heavy cream and a pinch of flour, or play with the amount of ingredients, maybe more tomatoes and less veggies, or more veggies and less water.

    I hope this helps and I’m sorry this is so long. Cooking is one of my favorite things and I think everyone should get to enjoy making their own food.