• afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I don’t think you would be happy with any evidence that isn’t a video recording of Jesus.

    You aren’t a mind reader and still deflecting. Present your evidence.

    Your questions are strange and reveal a lot of basic misunderstandings of the text.

    Yeah I suck we have established that. Present your evidence.

    You haven’t been happy with any of the evidence or text I’ve cited.

    You mentioned a writer who wrote a book series 40 years after the events that has two passages that are relevant and both are forgeries. The rest of your “evidence” has been logical fallact of argument of authority, personal attacks on me, deflections, True Scotsmen fallacy, and complaints about me.

    You misconstrue my points and attack strawmen.

    Deflecting present your evidence.

    At this point I think you are just googling and skimming the wiki page for counter arguments.

    Yeah I suck, present your evidence.

    You’ve misrepresented your Greek skill

    I did not, but again I ask you to present your evidence. Why is that so hard?

    don’t think you’ve done any serious academic study of the Bible.

    Yeah I suck, present your evidence.

    You throw around claims of logical fallacies like someone who skimmed the LessWrong wiki.

    I don’t know what that is. In either case still deflecting. Present your evidence. What else do you got besides forgery?

    m not really interested in arguing with you further - it really does remind me of arguing with creationists in the ‘naughts.

    I wouldn’t worry. You didn’t really do what I would consider argument. Hey, if A is like B in one way is it like B in all ways? No? Oh, is that a false analogy? Naughty naughty.

    You don’t have the historical background or reading comprehension,

    Yeah I suck, present your evidence.

    and I think you just want to rant about how bad Christianity is.

    Nah the various genocides it caused did that for me. You going to present your evidence now?

    That’s fine, but perhaps stick to claims about the belief systems of modern Christians, rather than the belief systems of 1st and 2nd century ones.

    They believed in hell as they documented.