Before you decide to ragepost in the comments about how terrible either of these guys are, please take a moment and look at how happy they are. Wouldn’t this be a nice outcome for a change?
Before you decide to ragepost in the comments about how terrible either of these guys are, please take a moment and look at how happy they are. Wouldn’t this be a nice outcome for a change?
Yeah, well, I could kick Sidd’s ass in a fight, so how about that?
You sure about that? Might want to look up the story of Angulimala before you go bragging about how much of a badass you are.
The guy supposedly killed 999 people, cut off a finger of each of them, and made himself a chain to hang around his neck before he tried to kill the Buddha. What happens next will shock you…
Yeah lolololol sure the guy who lived a sedentary life of contemplation as a nepotistic state official beat the guy who murdered 10 kumite 100 man lineups in a row. Such a stupid fiction.
Sounds like you’re just gonna have to keep murdering people until you meet a Buddha then.
Such a nonsequitur response to what I said.
Yes, you are right.