• barsoap@lemm.ee
    9 months ago

    Why do you think that would stop short of a person born into poverty or to one born to parents who didnt have the privilege of a higher education and therefore can’t pass on what they haven’t learned?

    Because you kept emphasising one thing while not acknowledging the other, or misread it, like the “the precariat gets promised more welfare” stuff. I was acknowledging all kinds of racial stuff from the very start, arguing about cause vs. symptom and the order in which things are best addressed so that things get done as fast as possible.

    The grey wolves kill people like me.

    And Nazis kill people like me. Fascists gotta fascist, no surprises there. If you ever spotted any psychological pattern of mine that matches what Nazis do I’d fucking want you to tell me.

    How about instead to those closest to drowning?

    You first have to get those clinging to them, dragging them down, off their back, or both will drown. Chances are you don’t even need a second vest non-swimmers tend to choose good swimmers to cling to, but you need special water martial arts training to get yourself out of that kind of situation. I know such things I have DLRG Bronze (seriously yes I have but at this point the metaphor might be at the breaking point).

    What do you propose we do about the people that aren’t close to drowning but steal the vests from under the people that are?

    Oh, the rich. Easy: We eat them. You’re the Turk, you come up with a recipe. Anything as long as it involves expropriated chilli.

    Same for girls getting into STEM, their gender probably will cause the barrier for them to be even higher than for boys with a similar non-academic household.

    Eh Mathematics is pretty much 50/50, engineering is heavily male-dominated, but then you have e.g. biology which is female-dominated. We’re at a stage where you have to drill down by subject and some of it will probably never vanish (ask Lego, they tried). And speaking of: There’s grade discrimination against boys and we don’t have nearly enough male teachers.

    Generally speaking there’s lots of differences between the states when it comes to primary and secondary education. The eastern states are actually quite good when it comes to having at least remotely sane systems (the more different than Bavaria the better, more or less) but then they’re (exception Berlin) also the ones with the fewest people with immigrant backgrounds. Back in my days SH hadn’t yet abolished the Realschule and let me tell you Gymnasiasts are awful in comparison. You can try as you want if you tell kids they’re better or worse at a young age what you get is classism and if you justify one type of discrimination, you implicitly justify, and cause, all: It’s way easier to learn looking down on a new group of people than it is to learn looking down the first time around.

    Because time and again once the majority got theirs the minority was left behind.

    How in the everloving fuck has the majority ever gotten theirs. I mean short of the labour aristocracy – which btw has a quite significant Turkish component, IG Metall and everything, you don’t need Abitur to work at VW. If you count by type of employment relation the precariat is about 30% of the workforce. Thirty, not even counting the unemployed. Even more are worried that they’ll land there, about 12.5% never knew anything else and don’t expect better, either. The rest of the majority pays all the taxes while the rich don’t even begin to pay their fair share (or the wealth gap wouldn’t increase steadily).

    I acknowledge that there’s room for different valuations here and we could play oppression Olympics all night long, but telling the precariat “you’ll have to wait” isn’t going to work. You can describe everything very accurately all day long people won’t listen, the percentage of people who got fucked over since the 90s is too high to be ignored. Also risking them being stirrup holders for Nazis is just not worth it.