remember, regardless of how outspoken you are in life, nothing will stop the capitalists from reanimating your defiled corpse into a shitheaded centrist zombie if there’s a buck in it:

“I’d just like to say that as much as I think billionaires are destroying the fabric of society with unchecked greed and blatant self-interest at the expense of basic human rights for everyone else, it is a little strange to me that people get mad at them. People are the ones who gave them the money in the first place," the AI Carlin said.

(editor’s note: the above is supposed to be a joke from the comedy special these fucking assholes hijacked Carlin’s corpse to promote. I can’t find the punchline, but it’s supposed to be a joke)

    10 months ago

    I got the story on this from a friend who has watched it. It’s comedian Will Sasso “pretending” to have an AI co-host. He says in the first episode that it’s fake but to suspend your disbelief because they’re gonna pretend it’s real like wrestling. He visibly clicks a mouse to make Dudesy talk