
I have created a quick and easy way to host lemmy and other federated communities. This website allows you to host lemmy or any other federated community with single click. Things like security, scalability are handled automatically.

You don’t need to learn cloud or need to know how to work with Linux or need a PC. Quick host it with your phone and get done with it :)

The idea with this we’ll have more instances of lemmy and better community reach as this is removing the technical know how from entire process. :D

I’ll giving away few accounts on this service as getting started process.

  • website URL: jatayucloud.app
  • discord : Discord

Quick And Easy To Host Federated Communities

  • duck1e@lemmy.mlOP
    10 months ago

    you’re right. I’ll run a server myself for some time. I have setup for lemmy and matrix so I’ll start with them.