Any fiction suggestions for a somewhat picky reader? The Expanse lasted me a long while but I’m finishing up the novellas now and need to start looking for something new. Not necessarily in the same genre.

I don’t have a lot of books under my belt as an adult, but some of my favorites have been Stoner by John Williams, Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts, East of Eden, Catch 22, Flowers for Algernon, and Harry Potter. Kind of all over the place I guess. 😅

I’ve also enjoyed John Williams’ other novels, Piranesi, The Things They Carried, House of Leaves, and Ender’s Game and the sequel.

Some books I didn’t really care for include Hitchhiker’s Guide (although I loved the first half), Lolita, Sharp Objects, Turtles All the Way Down, The Stand, The Road, 1984, and Fahrenheit 451.

I’m always overwhelmed trying to find something new, so thanks for any suggestions!

EDIT: Thank you all! It’ll be a bit daunting exploring all these new books but not nearly as daunting as if I had no guidance, so I really appreciate it!

    10 months ago

    Just a personal suggestion, in the future you could suggest piracy of books that support things like that. I personally pirate anything that i refuse to support with money. I thought the first book was interesting years ago, i definitely wouldn’t find it as interesting now. Didn’t know the whole gay conversion thing, but yeah, piracy is helpful in this area. hopefully im not going against the sub’s rules by suggesting it (too lazy to look or care cuz i just delete my account eventually anyway everytime i make one here), but honestly, in this particular instance, piracy feels entirely warranted if one doesn’t want to support something. And that goes for other things beyond books to in my personal opinion. But im also not really against piracy in general either. But i definitely think that piracy of things that you don’t want to support just makes sense. It’s refusing to vote with your wallet in some sense, perhaps.

      10 months ago

      My wife is an author and I was trying to explain this to her the other day. Pirated copies aren’t “lost customers” but were statistically unlikely to ever be customers in the first place.

        10 months ago

        If i had known J.K. rowling was a terf and i had known what a terf was when i was younger i would have never bought any of her books. And i wish i could get a refund for every book, and in fact, every person who wants a refund should be entitled to one in my opinion. And she is non-deserving of all of the money she has ever made. She made a good play hiding her trash personality. Now shes got money and shes a shitty person. and she doesnt have to hide it anymore.