America used to be a place you could come to work to be able to support yourself and your family.

Looking back over the last quarter century it seems to me that we’re seeing a reversal of this trend. American born citizens so overburdened by the failures of their country that they dream of moving somewhere they can support themselves, and maybe finally begin to live their lives.

What are your thoughts?

    1 year ago

    It’s already cheaper to just move your kids to Europe for college. The next step in brain drain is them not coming back home. Then after that the US gets to fall apart at an accelerated rate. We’re already seeing systems like education fail because we don’t value the workers in them. Why would someone with a masters in education even bother coming home? When we run out of people getting public governance and engineering degrees then shit gets real. We can’t run the country on finance and business degrees. No matter how cocky they are.

      1 year ago

      My daughter speaks German, and briefly considered college in Germany instead of the U.S. She has been to several countries in the EU multiple times on her own as a teen, and still thinks of moving there after she gets her degree and some work experience. Unfortunately, top schools for her degree are not as accessible elsewhere. 97% job placement rate for surviving grads in her major.

      As a metallurgical engineer there’s work for her around the world upon graduation, in just about every industry from mining to cosmetics to renewable energy and recycling. But I won’t be surprised if she bails on the U.S. immediately, trading a likely six figure starting salary for quality of life.