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Mother I think they dropped the bomb.
Coughing baby survived, but at what cost?
Does mfw mean “motherphucker what” ?
“my face when”
No fucking involved
Not with that attitude
Be strong Clarence. Be strong for mother.
Debil means “moron” in my language
Aj v mojej lmao
In mine too!
Human blobfish
Moma help
A levitating amorphous blob in the shape of a child head approche you and says In a deep but calming voice : I require sustenance, mother. I kindly request some of your milk to satiate my hunger and quench my thirst.
I’m melting, I’m melting!
reminds me of the video game paradigm
“Mother, why do I exist? Why?”
I only drink Melted Baby water! None of the other brands satisfy!
bebé: i should not be!
Do you love me, brother?