2023.12: A beautiful new login page, new design for the thermostat card, numeric input feature for tile cards, options for the default dashboard, history dashboard showing long-term statistics, and...
Unsure. It is a requirement of mine to be able to “ok Google, add X to the shopping list” currently I do this with Google keep. I would love to be able to do it with home assistant
That functionality only works with Google Keep. Google killed off integration with third party apps early this year.
I’ve just sworn off using it and using the app we were already using manually. Sort of hoping the year of voice will eventually produce a viable replacement because I’m sick of Google killing shit off and forcing you to use their app. “Be different, not the same” 🙄
That function for Google keep doesn’t seem to work for me when sharing a list with others. Like if i have a list in my keep that my wife has access to, she can’t use voice to add anything to the list
Is the to-do list function a valid replacement for Google Keep? I mainly use it for grocery shopping today me and the spouse can share.
Unsure. It is a requirement of mine to be able to “ok Google, add X to the shopping list” currently I do this with Google keep. I would love to be able to do it with home assistant
That functionality only works with Google Keep. Google killed off integration with third party apps early this year.
I’ve just sworn off using it and using the app we were already using manually. Sort of hoping the year of voice will eventually produce a viable replacement because I’m sick of Google killing shit off and forcing you to use their app. “Be different, not the same” 🙄
That function for Google keep doesn’t seem to work for me when sharing a list with others. Like if i have a list in my keep that my wife has access to, she can’t use voice to add anything to the list
I use it for that, too. And it drives me crazy that you cannot sort the list.
It’s really annoying that the only way to reorder is to manually drag items around.
If you’re running the OS, you can get the grocy add on that’s a shopping list app with a companion mobile app.
Or, you can just run it separately (add-ons are just docker containers)