Day 5: If You Give a Seed a Fertilizer

Megathread guidelines

  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
  • Code block support is not fully rolled out yet but likely will be in the middle of the event. Try to share solutions as both code blocks and using something such as , pastebin, or github (code blocks to future proof it for when 0.19 comes out and since code blocks currently function in some apps and some instances as well if they are running a 0.19 beta)


🔒This post will be unlocked when there is a decent amount of submissions on the leaderboard to avoid cheating for top spots

🔓 Unlocked after 27 mins (current record for time, hard one today)

    11 months ago


    When I read the problem description I expected the input to also be 2 digit numbers. When I looked at it I just had to say “huh.”

    Second part I think you definitely have to do in reverse (edit: if you are doing a linear search for the answer), as that allows you to nope out as soon as you find a match, whereas with doing it forward you have to keep checking just in case.

    Formatted code

    package day5
    import "core:fmt"
    import "core:strings"
    import "core:slice"
    import "core:strconv"
    Range :: struct {
        dest: int,
        src: int,
        range: int,
    Mapper :: struct {
        ranges: []Range,
    parse_range :: proc(s: string) -> (ret: Range) {
        rest := s
        parseLen := -1
        destOk: bool
        ret.dest, destOk = strconv.parse_int(rest, 10, &parseLen)
        rest = strings.trim_left_space(rest[parseLen:])
        srcOk: bool
        ret.src, srcOk = strconv.parse_int(rest, 10, &parseLen)
        rest = strings.trim_left_space(rest[parseLen:])
        rangeOk: bool
        ret.range, rangeOk = strconv.parse_int(rest, 10, &parseLen)
    parse_mapper :: proc(ss: []string) -> (ret: Mapper) {
        ret.ranges = make([]Range, len(ss)-1)
        for s, i in ss[1:] {
            ret.ranges[i] = parse_range(s)
    parse_mappers :: proc(ss: []string) -> []Mapper {
        mapsStr := make([dynamic][]string)
        defer delete(mapsStr)
        restOfLines := ss
        isLineEmpty :: proc(s: string)->bool {return len(s)==0}
        for i, found := slice.linear_search_proc(restOfLines, isLineEmpty); 
            i, found  = slice.linear_search_proc(restOfLines, isLineEmpty) {
            append(&mapsStr, restOfLines[:i])
            restOfLines = restOfLines[i+1:]
        append(&mapsStr, restOfLines[:])
        return slice.mapper(mapsStr[1:], parse_mapper)
    apply_mapper :: proc(mapper: Mapper, num: int) -> int {
        for r in mapper.ranges {
            if num >= r.src && num - r.src < r.range do return num - r.src + r.dest
        return num
    p1 :: proc(input: []string) {
        maps := parse_mappers(input)
        defer {
            for m in maps do delete(m.ranges)
        restSeeds := input[0][len("seeds: "):]
        min := 0x7fffffff
        for len(restSeeds) > 0 {
            seedLen := -1
            seed, seedOk := strconv.parse_int(restSeeds, 10, &seedLen)
            restSeeds = strings.trim_left_space(restSeeds[seedLen:])
            for m in maps {
                seed = apply_mapper(m, seed)
                fmt.print(" ->", seed)
            if seed < min do min = seed
    apply_mapper_reverse :: proc(mapper: Mapper, num: int) -> int {
        for r in mapper.ranges {
            if num >= r.dest && num - r.dest < r.range do return num - r.dest + r.src
        return num
    p2 :: proc(input: []string) {
        SeedRange :: struct {
            start: int,
            len: int,
        seeds := make([dynamic]SeedRange)
        restSeeds := input[0][len("seeds: "):]
        for len(restSeeds) > 0 {
            seedLen := -1
            seedS, seedSOk := strconv.parse_int(restSeeds, 10, &seedLen)
            restSeeds = strings.trim_left_space(restSeeds[seedLen:])
            seedL, seedLOk := strconv.parse_int(restSeeds, 10, &seedLen)
            restSeeds = strings.trim_left_space(restSeeds[seedLen:])
            append(&seeds, SeedRange{seedS, seedL})
        maps := parse_mappers(input)
        defer {
            for m in maps do delete(m.ranges)
        for i := 0; true; i += 1 {
            rseed := i
            #reverse for m in maps {
                rseed = apply_mapper_reverse(m, rseed)
            found := false
            for sr in seeds {
                if rseed >= sr.start && rseed < sr.start + sr.len {
                    found = true
            if found {