Observations I had:


refers to a clip from the 2012 video game Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 in which military leader Jonas Savimbi rallies his troops against the MPLA…

it became a meme 3 years ago, and the whole “meme” is having a screenshot of the clip in the middle of random videos… that’s the meme, just having a hidden dude that screams death to the MPLA in random videos.

  1. The Russian sleep experiment, I’m sure most of the people heard of it, basically it was this story of Soviet scientists torturing war prisoners through not making them sleep and using gas on them until they became barely human and were promised freedom if they survived… the story is obviously false and originates from a 2010s creepy pasta post, the story got extremely popularized that it even got made into short films, what makes me believe it’s a psyop is that it serves as a counter point to Abu Gharib and Guantanamo Bay, it’s also conveniently called “Russian sleep experiment” and not “Soviet sleep experiment”, it’s a lie protected by “it’s actually made in creepy pasta so it’s just a horror story not propaganda”.
  • Grimble [he/him,they/them]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    So many of those bowlcut + beard + Im-a-big-kid-now serious scowl guys have exactly the kind of genuine medically brain damaged way of talking and putting ideas together that I’d use if I ever wrote an undercover troll account. It’s like they got three concussions in a row, did nothing but play pulp shooter video games everyday of recovery, then were released into the world with only their insane spreadsheet ideologies. I get the impression that the ukrops running those badly spelled over-the-top whacko profiles really are dumb themselves and it shines through, but they’ve still tricked some of us.