The boomer shooter post a few days ago got me thinking: some video game genre names just suck.

My least favorite is “character action”. There are much better fitting names for the genre that have been tossed around the internet, like spectacle fighter or stylish action. All action games have characters, so the name has the vagueness of “Role playing game” without the genre itself being vague. And if I see someone use it, I instantly know that that person has either not been on the internet enough to hear the better names, or just doesn’t care.

On the other hand, “Mascot horror” fits its genre like a glove. I generally don’t like the actual games in the genre, most of them just feel like cashing in on a trend, but there is the occasional one that has some good creative ideas. But the name itself practically tells one everything they need to know about the genre: Marketed towards kids, featuring a main mascot, and everything in that game being centered around that mascot, which becomes scary enough that it looks spooky but not enough that kids won’t play it.

Also the -likes just suck. All that they tell you is that a game is like other game. I don’t even think that a tenth of rogue like fans have actually played rogue, which is understandable since the genre has spread out so much.

So, what are yours?

(Edits cause I sounded like a prick)

    1 year ago

    You “thought” about this?

    That’s what you went with?

    Scathe… got “scathing” reviews. Articles were written about problems with the environmental design, weapon designs, lack of imagination in aesthetic appeal in the enemy designs, the AI… but not once did anyone point out a problem with it being in a sub genre called “boomer shooter.”

    Wrath: Aeon of Ruin not only duplicated Quake by using the Quake engine, having amazing level design, and the 90’s appeal of run n’ gun, but it also matched Quakes failures in that the Dev team left and had to be replaced. Right now Wrath is stuck in perpetual Early Release with no completion date in site. I’m sure the reason for that is its sub genre of “boomer shooter,” right?

    How about Amid Evil? I spent a couple hours streaming that last night. It was an absolute blast. I haven’t been on a caffeine bender like that in years. I’m looking forward to streaming it again as soon as possible. I can’t wait to play it and its new DLC that’s about to drop. Obviously Amid Evils success is going to be because of the term, “boomer shooter.”

    That term has obviously done so much harm or good….

    Or it doesn’t fucking matter at all and this is a frivolous waste of time to whine about (as I’ve pointed out in more than one article I’ve posted).

    We could be discussing something useful, but what matters to people is their egos. How important it is what term is used for a class of FPS games? People tried to argue with me about the fact the term “boomer shooter” is years old. Something that two seconds on google would make clear. But ego… I have had several people tell me they’d KILL people for using the term… I guess that’s acceptable behavior?

    Okay, you win. Focus on trivialities while the industry moves on shaking it’s head while you shake your fist at clouds. But please, don’t forget to complain about not being taken seriously and for damned sure point out something trivial in what I wrote here, because that will matter.

        1 year ago

        Thank you for defending him. I’m sad to see you were the only one. I had an ulterior motive for my post. I apologized to him and explained my motivation.

    • Macawesome75@sh.itjust.worksOP
      1 year ago

      Whoa calm down, While I was a bit harsh, I definitely didn’t mean any hostilities you might have picked up from this.

      Genre names are just names of the genres. They have no bearing on the actual quality of the games that they categorize. There are good games in poorly named genres and bad games in aptly named genres.

      I was just sharing my thoughts on what the industry calls them and wondering what other people thought about them

        1 year ago

        I know.

        And I’m sorry for using you as the sacrificial lamb.

        You have every right to ask the question, and you even did it reasonably.

        I find it interesting that when I spend time writing an article and cross posting it, this is the level of vitriol I receive. It’s over the top and no one deserves this, especially someone that is just asking…

        “Hey, what does anyone think about X?”

        Least of all anyone that took their own time to publish something to spark discussion. Thank you for doing that. Thank you for not just posting a link to an article. Thank you for spending some time, considering, and then engaging.

        I wish more people were inclined to do that. More people should rush to your defense for what I posted. Some people should even learn from it. Sadly, I doubt that will happen.

        I honestly wish you well and hope you will post again in the future. I look forward to what you have to say.