Last week I set up and posted about my bath sensors.

A week on and I’m so happy with the results.

I’ve had to tweak my original automation to have a dwell in the input so it doesn’t fire unless the leak sensors have “detected a leak” for a minute, and made an input Boolean that turns on when the automation fires and off again 2 hours later. This Boolean is checked before the automation fires.

Also someone in the comments condescendingly noted that I would have to let water out when I displace it getting in, but of course my sensors are low enough that I have plenty of room for myself and some cold water. The sensor is on a length of wire about a meter long so it’s just a case of tightening the wire so it dangles at the right height.

Why I love it:

I’ve just been sat in my bedroom while my bath runs. The kids are leaving me alone and Wifey is enjoying some peace on the sofa. While I’m sat, I’m strumming through Bob Marley “No Woman No Cry” on my guitar and singing along. Then my lights start flashing and I hear “The ensuite bath is run” from the speaker on the floor below, so I put my guitar down and sort it out…

Then write my appreciation post from the bath. I appreciate the time the bath runs as much as the bath itself, and the lack of that little stress of “ooh, better check on the bath” is well worth the £10 I spent to get em (I think they were £4 each plus shipping). My Wife told my son to check on his bath earlier and he replied “I don’t need to Mum, remember?” without looking up from his Switch.

The only downside is I have a wire wrapped around my taps, but 🤷‍♂️ worth it!

    11 months ago

    With some servos and a thermometer you could automate mixing the correct temperature and turning the taps off; the future is now

    11 months ago

    I guess that’s cool.

    Why not just set a timer? Does the bath not fill at the same rate every time?

      11 months ago

      Yes and no. Your water supplier can alter the pressure of your water. This happens, for example, when there is a water shortage. But mostly yes.

    • LifeBandit666@feddit.ukOP
      11 months ago

      Well because that would be a boring post on the Home Automation community, and also because I can use automation so I don’t have to do that, kinda the point of automation.

      I’ll level with you, when I get my quiet time before a bath, I smoke just a little bit of weed. It makes remembering to do stuff just a little bit less likely. This automation means I don’t have to remember to do a fucking thing.