I worry folks are downvoting because they take the title as an endorsement of anti-feminism. This is an explicit statement that this sub is in no way anti-feminist. Read the sidebar.

  • SkepticalButOpenMinded@lemmy.ca
    11 months ago

    I’m not comfortable blaming women for how horrible dating is, but I take your point that people can sometimes be pretty disrespectful.

    But given that we’re making a comparative claim between generations, I wonder if this really explains the difference. Is disrespect on dating apps so much worse for gen Z men than Millennial men that it’s making men less feminist? I’m skeptical.

    • drgnfckr@lemmy.ca
      11 months ago

      I would not blame women for how bad dating apps are either. But I think the average person would say something like “the women in my area suck” or “women just don’t like me” before they think the design of the app itself is part of the problem. Does that make them less feminist? Still probably not, but it could push them towards pickup artists type guys if they are really frustrated.