An interesting take: the government is proposing minimum wage standards for gig workers. The paper went with ‘Now you might have to pay up to $15 to get fast food delivered’.

    1 year ago

    Public outrage: you might have to PAY someone to WORK!

    Young people these days always wanting everything just handed to them! Back in my day we delivered cheeseburgers at 3 in the morning for free and we were grateful if the customer didn’t beat us within an inch of our lives when we got there and if the boss fed us gruel twice a week we counted ourselves lucky, and I fed my family of 6 kids with no income in an 8 bedroom house on this wage while my useless wife only did the cooking and cleaning while I went out on the boat at the holiday house

    But you don’t see me complaining, do you! Ungrateful entitled kids these days!

      1 year ago

      That’s nothing. Me and my 100 siblings worked 26 hours per day, and when we went home, our father would kill us, right there and then.

      But you try and tell kids that these days, and they don’t believe you!